
Hi-Fi / Stereo Gear
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Cassette Decks
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Purveyors of Electronic, Musical and Vintage goods from then, now and in between. 
Since 1982.



Sansui Stereo Replacement Parts / spares & reference information and occasionally for sale, for vintage Sansui stereo equipment including Sansui Sansui Six / 6, Seven / 7, Eight / 8, 331, 350, 441, 551, 661, 771 & 881, 1000, 2000, 2000A, 2000X, 3000, 3300, 4000, 4000A, 4000X, 5000, 5000A, 5000X, 9090 9090DB G series 8000, 7700, 4500, 8080, 8080DB, 7070, Sansui, G-4500 / G4500, G-5700, G-6700, G-7700 / G7700, G-8000 / G8000, G-9000 / G9000, QR-4500, QR-6500, QR-7500, QRX-4500, QRX-6500, QRX-7500, R-30, R-50, R-60, Sansui Receivers / electronic repair Parts. Also for Sansui Cassette Decks SC-2000 / SC2000 and Sansui Graphic equalizer SE-8X.
Most (if not, "all") circuit boards populated with ORIGINAL JAPANESE parts / components, NOT Chinese copies / fakes / knock-offs!!!

























20% off sale
on salvage audio & keyboard parts.
 See sales banners on parts pages for details





*Note about parts / spares sales

* Our "parts units", parts / spares and related reference information are primarily archived for the purpose of restoration / repair of "Oak Tree Vintage" units first. Only if we do not have a "viable" unit in yet, either already in process or in line to be processed, that may potentially need parts from a "parts unit", will we release available parts for sale (even though they may appear as available for sale to the public). As many of you know, the restoration of a unit can be a long, time consuming process. We may "lock up" parts that we may potentially need in the restoration of a unit (and not necessarily get it marked 'Hold' or 'Sold' on the site right away). Parts are priced according to the "potential value" of the unit they can be applicable to (meaning the amount WE would be willing to pay for the part if that was all that was standing between us having a "shelved unit" or a valuable / sellable unit), time to extract, their rarity & their condition to name a few criteria and likely will be completely unrelated to the original cost / price of a part when it was currently available from the manufacturer.

Parts Photos; We get a number of requests for 'photos' of a specific part. Unfortunately, in most cases that is not practical as the amount of time involved in posting that exceeds the value of the 'unique' part. We will sometimes post photos of less 'unique' parts, if there is a greater chance of them being available in multiple quantities, or on a more 'repeat' basis.

Parts, general condition / circuit board condition; Most of our parts are from 'salvage / donor' units. While we don't sell parts that are 'known' to be bad, occasionally parts will need further adjustment, cleaning, 'tweaking', or in the case of circuit boards, may need old, conductive glue / epoxy further cleaned, and some 'common' parts / components such as, aging / leaky capacitors, parts whose values have drifted, and some epoxy transistors may need to be replaced due to 'green / black / furry' legs, or because those parts were marked as 'sold separately'. Some circuit boards may have 'tired' "landing / solder pads", or severed traces, or cold / bad solder joints which may require solder re-flow or 'jumpers'. Unless noted, circuit boards will be 'crack / split / break' free.

Parts pricing; Most of our parts price / value will be based on a few things. Firstly, we are in the restoration / refurb business, so we consider what we would be willing to pay for the part if we needed it (which again, is what the parts are listed for in the first place, "our units"). Secondly, the rarity / value of the unit the part(s) fit. The 'Tuning Knob' for a receiver that has a final value of $350 will likely be much less than the "Tuning Knob" for a unit with a final value of $1500 or more (a set of tires for a typical sedan will be $400 to $600. A set for a Lamborghini can be $16,000). Thirdly, the 'rarity' of the part. Forth, the 'condition' of the part. Fifth, the difficulty to extract the part, or success rate for extracting certain parts. Sixth; frankly it's a LOT of work and time to part out a unit. Most take 1 to 3 days of shop time to process. Not only the disassembly, but the 4-15 hours of pre-testing / servicing and just as time consuming can be the amount of time it takes to do all of the research we do and the info we list on many parts for cross-referrencing to other units that my use the same parts by scouring service manuals. On many circuit boards we will list every 'semi-conductor' which is also very time consuming. Lastly, every call or email for a part can require 20 minutes to sometimes over an hour of 'phone support', often (about 70% of the time) with me convincing the potential purchaser that they don't need the part I have to solve their problem.
Sorry to sound like a "whiner" about selling parts, but "time is money".

Shipping: Shipping on most 'small' parts if typically via Postal first class or Postal Priority for both domestic (USA) and international orders. Larger parts such as transformers and drivers (speakers) are typically via FedEx gnd.
Some parts sales such as those for empty 'speaker cabinets', empty 'component cabinets / covers / bonnets' and 'speaker grills' and most are 'doomed' from the start. Due to their size and required packing supplies, the cost of 'packing for safe transit' and shipping are commonly 'disproportionate' to their cost, typically nearly equal to and sometimes greater than the cost of the part.  Think about it. An empty speaker cabinet or stereo receiver case is essentially the same size as a complete one. Yes the weight will be less, but most of items that size are calculated on 'dimensional weight', not actual weight so are commonly just as expensive as shipping a 'complete unit'. Secondly empty component cabinets have to be packed to disallow breakage, typically requiring nearly as much packing materials as an entire unit. Speaker grills have to be 'sandwiched' between foam sheets in large, custom ordered boxes (all relatively expensive).  It is what it is....

A non-response to an email of phone call / voice message request for a part that we don't show on one or our pages, or is already marked "SOLD" will be typical. We simply don't have the time / man-power resources to respond to every query we get for items we don't show as avail. Most folks get that. Having said that, I / we may respond if we have information on a substitution or other useful information relating to it.

A non-response to an email of phone call / voice message request for a part (we may appear to have, but typically 'highlighted in Orange or Yellow'), likely means that we are still determining which parts we are going to need for the restoration or repair of one of our units. Again, the parts are first for the restoration of our units and secondarily for the public market. Since we list the parts available for ourselves, it is not much effort to modify the menu's for web publication, which in turn makes the reference information and occasionally the part available to the public. Frankly, publishing them to the web, in many instances, makes it easier for us to determine if we have the part for our needs as well. The alternative to all of the above would be to not offer them at all to the public, however most parts are available to the public for sale.  Also, parts requests can occasionally take time for us to respond to. While we may have a part listed, and we like to keep the website 100% accurate, occasionally a part will be 'used by us' or 'previously sold' and we by oversight, and we did not get the web listing marked "SOLD", or the part gets  'mis-placed' or 'lost' (laid down somewhere in the warehouse(s) and then it get's lost track of (that happens to our coffee cups all the time, then we find it months later with 'a good batch of 'penicillin' growing in it), so we like to 'lay eyes on it' prior to responding. Sometimes we just can't figure out which cabinet or drawer parts were assigned to (and we're working on a system for that one).

Some folks email / call and want us to respond either way / whether we have the part or not. Again, we simply do not have the time resources to do that. Our time must be utilized on the requests we can fulfill. 
Sorry for all the excuses, but that's how the 'system' (or lack thereof) works.
And, if you don't see it, we likely don't have it.
 Thank you for your understanding.














(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)
B-3000 B3000
SOLD 11/5/08

for sale
amplifier looks great, but unfortunately it has a channel out. One side of the amplifier produces 39.5 Volts per channel @ 8 Ohms for 195 wpc and 24 Volts per channel @ 4 Ohms for 144 Watts per channel via discrete, epoxy outputs.
True "WORLD AC POWER" as it will work on both 50 or 60 Hz AC and voltages from 110-240 Volts AC . The amplifier is fan cooled. There are no visibly burned components.
We simply don't have the resources currently to spend on restoring it.
Again, it would likely be a good candidate for restoration! Restore it or use it as a great single channel power amplifier for a center channel speaker in a home theater system, or a sub woofer or for a practice PA amplifier. Measures 17" wide x 9" deep x 5" high and weighs 25 lbs unpacked.
Sansui B-3000

SOLD 11/5/08






         NEW LISTING 3/4/2020
(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)  

Some parts MAY also fit the Sansui SIX / 6, and Eight / 8 Receivers.

Unit was parted out due to excessive current draw. At 35VAC on VariAC, unit draws 1 Amp. Didn't investigate further.



Bonnet / Case / Cover / Cabinet, Walnut veneer. Good 'structural' condition, but a few battle scars / chips. (inside dimensions; 16 5/8" wide x 5.25" tall (at front edge) x 11 15/16" deep. Bolt hole centers are 7 1/8" apart. With plastic, louvered vents. - $55. 
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Panel, Front / Face panel / aluminum, fair to decent condition, Striations / scuffing mostly on ends and top surface. Both upper corner dinged. Nicks / tics on end 'edges'. (see photos above)
. Includes two, beveled screws / bolts for the top mounting. (dial glass / window and bezel sold separately) - $55.


Panel, ‘Tuning scale cover’, Black plastic w/ smoked glass / plexi dial window and holes for switches & window surround & plastic scale w/ station enumeration silk-screen (see photos above)
- $45. SOLD

Meter, ‘Tuning Signal Strength’ Meter #4300310
(see; Sansui Seven & Sansui Eight) - $45.

Meter, ‘Tuning 'Center’ Meter #4300340
(see; Sansui Seven & Sansui Eight) - $45.

Pointer / indicator, Tuning ‘Dial Pointer’ - $30. SOLD / MIA

Knob / Flywheel, ‘Tuning’ knob
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight) - $35. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers
, Input ‘Selector’ knob w/ 2-set / grub screws
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight) – $35.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Speakers’ Selector  / Volume knob
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight)
- $35. ea. 2 AVAILABLE

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers. ‘Balance knob’, ‘Bass’ knob, ‘Treble’ / Tone knob
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight) – $30. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Power’ button / cap
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight) - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Low Filter’ button / cap
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight) - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘High Filter’ button / cap
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight)  - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Loudness’ button / cap
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight) - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Mono’ button / cap
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight)  - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘N.R. Adaptor’ button / cap
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight) - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Tape Mon-1’ button / cap
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight) - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Tape Mon-2’ button / cap
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight) - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘4-Chan Adaptor’ button / cap
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight) - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘FM Muting Off’ button / cap
(see; Sansui Six, Seven & Sansui Eight)
- $25.

String Wheel, Plastic String Tuning Wheel- $35.

Fly Wheel assembly, Tuning Flywheel assembly (less knob which is sold separately) - $45.

Panel, ‘Illuminator box’ w/ ‘fuse lamp’ sockets (included lamps / bulbs may or may not work) - $35.


Potentiometer / Control, ‘Volume’ control pot, ALPS 250K BX2 / #1010830
(will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) -

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Balance’ control pot, ALPS 250K M / #1010830
(will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $45.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Treble’, 'Midrange' or ‘ Bass’, control switches (NOT pots. They utilize multiple 'fixed value' resistors on a wafer switch) #1102210
(see; Sansui Seven & Sansui Eight) - $45. ea.

Choke / Transformer, Adjustable Tone Transformer L701 & L702 #4010090 - $40. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Rotary / Wafer ‘Input Selector’ switch, #1104320
(will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $40.

Switches / Selectors, Rotary / Wafer ‘Speaker’ switch ALPS #1102410
(will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $40.

Switches / Selectors, Push Switches; ‘Low Filter’, ‘Hi Filter’, 'Loudness', and 'Mono' switches , #1130600 all mounted on circuit board F-1438 / #2591180
(buttons / caps sold separately) (will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $55.

Switches / Selectors, Push Switches;N.R. Adaptor, ‘Tape Monitor’ Switches 1 & 2, '4-Channel Adaptor', and 'FM Muting' switches , #1130610 & #1110210 all mounted on circuit board F-1437 / #2591170
(buttons / caps sold separately) (will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $65.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Power’ push switch #1130350, AC125VA w/ clamping capacitor
(button / cap sold separately) (see; Sansui 7, Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500, but will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $45.


Circuit Board, ‘MPX Unit’ circuit board, board #F-1387-2 / F-1387-B / 7540670 with transistors; 2SA678, 2SC634A, Matsushita 2SC711, 2SC871, Sansui 4240660 MPX coil assembly, and balance of capacitors, diodes, adjustable transformers, pc mounted trim pots / adjustors. - $65.

Circuit Board, ‘FM IF Unit’ circuit board, board #F-1450 / 7520540 with transistors; Matsushita 2SC829, In-Line package; Toshiba TA7061AP, and balance of capacitors, diodes, adjustable transformers, pc mounted trim pots / adjustors.
(see; Sansui Six & Sansui Seven) - $55.

Circuit Board, ‘AM IF Unit’ circuit board, board #F-1417 with transistors; 2SC4030, and balance of capacitors, diodes, adjustable transformers, pc mounted trim pots / adjustors. - $45.

Capacitor, ‘Tuning’ capacitor on circuit board marked #7510600 / PA4313 with steel shielding / housing in place - $45.

Circuit Board, ‘Tone / Control Unit,’ circuit board #F-1436 / 7560560 with transistors; NEC 2SA640, with balance of capacitors & resistors
(not sure if it fits the Sansui "Six" as that unit specifies a "#F-1436A") - $55.

Circuit Board, ‘Equalizer’ unit circuit board #F-1435 / 7550410 with transistors; 2SC1222 & NEC 2SA640, and balance of capacitors, and resistors
(see; Sansui Six & Sansui Seven) - $45. SOLD 6/21/2022

Circuit Board, ‘Driver Unit’ circuit board #F-1439 / 7570660, with transistors: Hitachi 2SC984, NEC 2SA640, Sony 2SA706, Sony 2SC1124 , 2SC983 and balance of capacitors, diodes, resistors & PC mounted trim pots
(see; Sansui Six & Sansui Seven) - $45. ea. SOLD 1/18/2022

Circuit Board, ‘Power Board Unit’ / (power supply) circuit board #F-1441 / #7500670, with transistors / regulators; Sanyo 2SD330E, Sanyo 2SB514, 3W / 390 Ohm resistors, and balance of mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors
(see; Sansui Six & Sansui Seven) - $55.

Circuit Board, ‘Protector Circuit Board Unit’ #F-1440 / #759810, with transistors; 2SC634A, and balance of mounted capacitors, Chokes / coils, diodes and resistors (not including relay which is sold separately
(see; Sansui Six & Sansui Seven) - $35. SOLD 12-4-2023

Relay, Omron relay type MY 4 - $35.

Connectors, PCB, Edge-Card connectors. #2420040 Blue Plastic. 2-Bolt. 14 pin
(see; Sansui Seven / 7, Eight / 8, QRX-4500, QRX-6500, QRX-7500 and likely others) - $30. ea.

Connectors, PCB, Edge-Card connectors. #2420030 Blue Plastic. 2-Bolt. 10 pin
(see; Sansui Seven / 7, Eight / 8, QRX-4500, QRX-6500, QRX-7500 and likely others) - $30. ea.


, ‘Power supply’ transformer #4001120 (alternative to #4001121. Unsure of substitution info) – adjustable 120v-240v power option. Includes #2410080 'Voltage Selector' still connected (Selector plug sold separately) - $85.

Plug, ‘Voltage SelectorPlug #2410090 (fits MANY Sansui units) - $25.

Cover, Voltage selector switch cover - $20.

Capacitors, ‘Power supply filter cap’ Nichicon
4700MFD 50 Volts with clamps (will check for ESR and Leakage) - $25. ea.
Transistors, ‘Output’ transistors; Toshiba 2SA663, 2SC793 TO-3, Metal cased output transistors - $25. ea.
Heat Sink, Power amp heat sink
(less output transistors) - $25. ea.

Rectifier, Bridge Rectifier. IOR 5B2 / 2D - $20. 

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Stereophones’ / Headphone jack, ¼ inch #2430070 (see; Sansui Seven & Sansui Eight) - $35.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA Input / Output  connectors / jacks 'Noise Reduction Adaptor' & 4-Channel Adaptorbank (interchangeable with below) (will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $55.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA Input / Output  connectors / jacks ‘Tape-2’, ‘Tape-1, Pre-Out / Main-Inbank (interchangeable with above) (will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $55.
Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA Input / Output  connectors / jacks ‘Phono’, ‘AUX-1(Phono-1 with capacitors) (will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $45.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, 1/4" / Phono type Input / Output  connectors / jacks ‘Tape-2 (on front panel) #2430060 (see; Sansui Seven & Sansui Eight) - $25. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Speaker’ Connectors / 'Push' terminals (grey & red buttons). 3 complete banks of 2 pairs Measures 72mm wide x 25mm at plate for an opening 53mm x 21mm. (will for sure fit the Sansui Seven / 7, Eight / 8 and QRX-6500, but likely many others from this year / series) - $35. ea. bank

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Antenna’ Connectors / 'Push' terminals (grey buttons) as set of 5. (see; Sansui Seven & Sansui Eight) - $30.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, AC Convenience outlet / Socket, ‘AC Convenience’ sockets #2450040 (see; Sansui Seven, QRX-4500 & QRX-6500 & Sansui Eight for at least one of the part numbers "2450040") - $20. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, AC / Main power input Jack / Socket. - $30.
Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘DIN’ socket with resistors #2430040 (see; Sansui 7, Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500, but will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $25.
Antenna, AM ‘Stick’ / bar / rod antenna, # 4200540 with extension / sliding mounting bracket
. (similar to Sansui QRX-6500, but one wire is different. Dimensions / mounting bracket are the same. Bar diameter 16.5mm & 7.5" long. Slide mount is 28.3mm wide x 10mm thick and ~75mm in depth) (will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $45.

Antenna Socket, AM antenna plastic slide sleeve with 4-bolts
- $25.

Fuse, Main AC / Power Fuse ‘Holder’
#2300020 (cap sold separately) - $25.

Fuse, Main AC / Power Fuse ‘Cap’ (holder sold separately) (will NOT fit the Sansui Eight 'Mains' fuse, but is interchangeable with the Sansui Eight 'Speaker Protection' fuse holder) - $30.

Fuse / Holder / Clips, 'Speaker / Output' fuse holder bank (no fuses included) - $30.

Panel, Rear sheet metal panel (less any input / output jacks / components) - $35.

, Bottom sheet metal - - $35.
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

  Foot / Feet / Skid,
Brown, plastic, 'full width', 3-bolt, Skid (see; Sansui Seven & Sansui Eight)
- $35. 1 Remaining in stock

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, Southern Island, North Shore, East end, 1st cab (black), 3rd drawer -  revised 3/13/20


  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)




(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)

Unit was parted out due to FM tuner issues. Only received ‘white noise’ (no stations and sounded like ‘FM Muting’ was ‘off’ all the time. Repairable, but we didn't invest the resources). Amplifier section sounds great! 

Bonnet / Case / Cover / Cabinet, Wood veneer, few scratches. - $
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Panel, Front Face plate / panel, Aluminum, very clean
- $45.

Panel, Plastic ‘Radio “back screen” w/ ‘Stereo’ LED indicator - $25. 

Panel, Glass, FM-AM tuning display, - $25. 

Lamp Holder, Display / Dial Lamps (fuse lamp / bulb sockets) - $20. ea.

Meter, ‘Tuning Signal Strength’ Meter, - $25.

Pointer, Dial / Tuning Needle / pointer, - $15.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Power / Speakers’, ‘Volume’ & / or ‘Selector’ knob - ALL SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Balance’, ‘Treble’, ‘Bass’ knob – ALL SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers. Balance knob- SOLD 

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Tape monitor’, ‘Loudness’, ‘Mono’ buttons / caps (black, rectangular, plastic) - $18. ea.

Potentiometer , ‘Volume control’ pot ALPS 250K BX2 #1011020 - $35.

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Bass’, ‘Treble’, 10k AX2 #101540 Pots, - $30. ea.

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Balance’, 100k M ,100K N #1015130 Pot - $30.

Switches / Selectors,  ‘Power/Speaker’, Combination Selector/Switch, Noble U9SF TV 3, with Clamping capacitor- $35.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Loudness’, ‘Mono’ or ‘Tape Monitor’ push Switches - $25. ea

Switches / Selectors, ‘Phono’, ‘FM Auto’, ‘AM’, ‘AUX’, 94V-1 wafer switch - $45.


Transformer, ‘Power supply’ Transformer 40022329 (North American version) - $45.

Capacitors, ‘Power supply filter’ cap, Nichicon 2200uf, 60719. - $30.

Transistors, ‘Output / power amp transistor’ STK 014, - $35. 

Heat Sink, ‘Power amp’ heat sink (less transistor) - $25.

Capacitors, ‘Power supply’ filter caps, CEO4W, 35v 2200uf, - $35. ea.

Circuit Board, Tuning / Phono Pre-amp / patch bay Circuit Board F-2535-1, including Tuning Capacitor, AM stick antenna & Transistors; 2SC738, 2SC930, 2SC1047,  2SC1313, 2SC1675, IC Chips; NEC PC554C, PC 555H, Sansui 4240710 and balance of resistors, capacitors, diodes etc. (Switches, potentiometers, Connectors and string wheel sold separately) - $55.

Circuit Board, ‘Amplification’ / ‘Power Supply’ / ‘Tone Control’ Circuit Board F-2531-1, with Transistors;
2S1313, 2S1364, & Sanyo 2SD330 Voltage Regulator and balance of resistors, capacitors and diodes (Output power pack, Switches, potentiometers & jacks sold separately) - $45.

Heat Sink, ‘Power Amp Heat Sink’, - $30.

Flywheel, Tuning Flywheel - $30.


Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, AC ‘Convenience outlets’, - $25. pr.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Speaker’, ‘Antenna’, or ‘Ground’ terminals / posts / connectors (same as on many Sansui, Marantz units, many speakers and others) - $15. ea.


Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Headphone Jack - $20.

Jack / Connector / Terminals, RCA Input / Output  connectors / jacks, ‘Phono, Aux, Record, Play’, all as one entire panel - $45.

Panel, Input / Output jack bezel (black plastic) - $20.

 Panel, ‘Rear fiberboard panel’, silkscreen connector display, - $25. 

Bottom Panel, Sheet metal, - $25. SOLD (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

 Location: PB, SW group, 3rd cab from center, Black, 4th drawer, left side.                                     revised 11/6/2023


  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)








 Some parts MAY be interchangeable with the Sansui 1000X & QR-1500? receiver. You will need to consult service manuals / part number for both to make that determination. We have no definitive info on subs.

Bonnet / Case / Cover / Cabinet, Wood, vinyl wood grain, good condition - $SOLD
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Panel, Front / Face panel / aluminum w/ dial lens / glass / window, fair condition w/ minor edge scuffs and typical scuffing around the headphone jack port
(less plastic tuning cover) - $35.

Panel, Tuning scale ‘cover’, plastic - $25.

Panel, ‘Tuning scale’ plastic,
(less tuning signal strength meter) - $30.

Panel, Dial lamp housing (less ‘fuse’ lamp clips / holders) - $25.

Clips / holders, Dial ‘Fuse’ bulb / lamp clips / holders - $18. ea.

Meter, ‘Tuning Signal Strength’ Meter- $25.

Pointer / indicator, Tuning ‘Dial Pointer’ - $25.

Knob / Flywheel, Tuning’ flywheel - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Tuning’ knob (black) – $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers. ‘Volume‘, ‘Balance’, ‘Bass’, ‘Treble’, ‘Selector`’ knobs – $25. ea. SOLD OUT

Knobs / Caps / Toggle Bats, ‘Tape monitor’, ‘Speakers’, ’Loudness’. ‘Muting’, ‘MPX Noise Canceler’ (SIC) toggle switch 'bats' / caps – $20. ea. (only 1 remaining in stock)

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Power’ switch cap, black plastic - SOLD


Potentiometer / Control, Noble ‘Volume’ control pot - $35.

Potentiometer / Control, Noble ‘Balance’ control pot
(less circuit board) - $30. ea. SOLD

Potentiometer / Control, Noble ‘Treble’, ‘Bass’ control pots
(less circuit board) - $30. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Rotary / Wafer ‘Selector’ switch with circuit board #F1249, transistor Mitsubishi 2SC871 and extension shaft, and balance of resistors and capacitors / components - $45.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Speaker’ switch - SOLD

Switches / Selectors, Toggle Switches, ‘Mode’ switch, ‘Tape Monitor’ switch, ‘MPX Noise Canceller (SIC) switch, ’Loudness’ switch - $25. ea.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Power’ push switch with clamping capacitor Alps UEH12 #1130160
(less button / cap) $30. SOLD

Switches / Selectors, ‘FM attenuator’ switch - $20.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Power / Voltage adjustment’ switch, external, adjustable 120v-240v power option (with plugs / jumpers) - $35.

Capacitor, Alps 5-gang ‘Tuning capacitor’, #F1290 / FL12U13
(less string tuning wheel) - $45.


Circuit Board, ‘FM Amplifier’ circuit board #F-1239-1 w/ transistors; Mitsubishi 2SC711, 2SC733, 2SC735 and balance of resistors, capacitors and diodes - $65.

Circuit Board, ‘Tone Amplifier’ circuit board. #F-1248, with transistors: Hitachi 2SC458, and balance of capacitors, resistors
(less bass, treble, volume and balance control pots) - $45.

Circuit Board, ‘Power Supply’ circuit board, #F1324-1 with transistor; Hitachi 2SC1061, 10 DC ‘half-wave’ rectifier diode, ZB1 Diode, and balance of capacitors and resistors - $45.

Circuit Board, ‘Tuning’ circuit board, #1247-1 with transistors;  Mitsubishi 2SC710,  Mitsubishi 2SC711 Mitsubishi 2SC829, and balance of resistors, diodes and capacitors - $45.

Circuit Board, ‘Output’ circuit board # F-1250 with transistors; Hitachi 2SC458, NEC 2SC815, Sanyo 2SCA532E, Sanyo 2SC875E, and balance of resistors, diodes and capacitors
(less heat sink, output transistors) - $45.

Transformer, Power supply Transformer 400-5407, externally adjustable 120v-240v power option
(adjusting switch sold separately) - $55.

Capacitors, ‘Power supply filter cap’ Elna 2200μF 80 Volts w/ mounting clamp - $25.

Transistors, OEM ‘Output’ transistors; Hitachi 2SC1030 TO-3 Metal cased output transistors,
(less heat sink) - $25. ea. (2 remaining in stock from this unit)

Heat Sink, Power amp heat sink
(less transistors) - $25. ea.

String Wheel, Plastic String Tuning Wheel - $20.


Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Stereophones’ / Headphone jack, ¼ inch - $25.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA Input / Output  connectors / jacks ‘Phono’, ‘AUX’, ‘Record’,’ Monitor’ one bank of 4 pairs - $30.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Speaker connectors / terminals, 2 complete banks of 2 pairs on phenolic resin / fiber board - $35. ea. bank

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Antenna’ Connectors / post / terminals on fiber board as set of 5 - $25.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘AC Convenience outlet / Socket’ - $18.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘DIN’ connector / socket - $20.


Antenna, AM ‘Stick’ / bar / rod antenna W/ swivel / mounting bracket - $35.

Fuse, ‘Holder’
(cap sold separately) - $25.

Fuse, ‘Cap’
(holder sold separately) - $30.

Panel, Rear sheet metal panel (some surface corrosion) (less any input / output jacks / components) - $25.

, Bottom sheet metal - $20. (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Foot / Feet, - set of 4 - SOLD

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, SW group, 4th cab from center, Black, 4th drawer. -
                                    revised 3/22/2023

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)



(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)
Some parts
MAY* also fit Sansui models 331, 441, 551, 661, 771 & 881
Parting out. 
Wood grain vinyl covered Case - Excellent (may fit other models in this series) - SOLD
(Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately when available)
 (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Some parts may also fit Sansui models 331, 441, 551, 661, 771 & 881

Face panel with glass (less knobs / buttons)
Normal minor wear - $40.

Knobs, Caps, Buttons, Tuning knob - $25. 

Knobs, Caps, Buttons, Large round knobs - $20 ea.

Knobs, Caps, Buttons, Tone knobs - $20. ea.

Knobs, Caps, Buttons, Power Push Switch cap - $12. ea. - SOLD
Meters, VU / Tuning meter - $25. SOLD

Power supply Transformer (4002100) - $45. SOLD / MIA? (not in drawer with other parts)

Power supply filter Caps (2200uf / 50 Volts - $15 ea.

Power amplifier outputs STK 016  - $35. ea side. SOLD


Any single circuit board 
(less pots, Switches, large transformers, outputs) - $ PRICE VARIES

Tuning capacitor & Tuning circuit board
including Tuning Capacitor, Sansui 4240710 and balance of transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes etc. (Switches, potentiometers, Connectors and string wheel sold separately) - $55.

Power / Speaker selector switch - $35.

Any control pot (volume
250k x2, Bass / Tone / Treble, Balance ) - $35. ea. SOLD

Ganged controls - Additional $15. ea.

Push Switches (Loudness, Tape Monitor, Mode) - $25. ea.

Input Selector Rotary Switch - $45.


Rear panel (less Antenna, AM  antenna)  - $45 complete (while parts last)

- Fuse insert cap - SOLD

Voltage selector assembly - $30.

Bottom sheet metal panel - SOLD
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Any single rear panel Input / Output component not already listed separately (terminals, AC outlets, RCA panels, etc.) - $25. ea. 

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Speaker’ connectors / terminals, complete banks of 2 pairs #2210200 (Fits Sansui 441 & 551 however, will not fit Sansui 221, 331, 661, 771, or 881) - $30. ea. bank

Antenna, AM  antenna - $25.

Most other parts $20-$45. ea.

Feet set of 4 - $25. or $12. ea.

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, East wall, Tan, 'thin drawer' cab, 4th Drawer - Revised 9/24/19 

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)


Sansui_771_web.JPG (51123 bytes)     Sansui_771_collage.JPG (192077 bytes)

NEW LISTING 11/10/13
(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)  


Bonnet / Case / Cover / Cabinet, vinyl wood grain,  good condition - SOLD
 (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Panel, Front / Face panel / aluminum #24 / #5308950, fair condition, scuffing, lower-right corner ding (see photos above), minor scuffing
(mostly to the ‘non-visible’ bottom edge) (dial glass / window and bezel sold separately) - $45.

Panel, ‘Front Dial Glass "smoked plate" window #29 / #5047700, (less face panel / bezel) - $35.

Panel, ‘Front Dial Glass FRAME / BEZEL for "smoked plate" dial glass window #30 / #5308190, Decent condition, bit of 'aluminum smudging' on sides. Includes 5 zinc screws / bolts (less face panel / Smoked, Plate, glass dial window) - $35.

Panel, ‘Tuning scale cover’, plastic (see photos above)
(less face panel) - $35.

Panel, ‘Tuning Scale’, function display, smoked plate #5047700 - SOLD

Meter, ‘Tuning Signal Strength’ Meter #4300610- $35.

Pointer / indicator, Tuning ‘Dial Pointer’ #5416361- $30.

Knob / Flywheel, ‘Tuning’ knob #7036380 - $30. ea. 2 In stock
Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Volume’ knob #5317820 - $30.
ea. 2 In stock

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers
, Input ‘Selector’ knob #5317730 – $30.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Speakers’ Selector knob #5317720 - $30. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers. ‘Balance knob’, ‘Bass’ knob, ‘Treble’ knob, #5317740 – $30. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Power’ button / cap w/ spring - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, #5326410
(see also Sansui 661 & 771. Will NOT fit the 331, 441, or 881) ‘Audio muting’, ‘Filters high / low’, ‘Loudness’, ‘Mono’, ‘FM Muting’, ‘Tape monitor’ cap / button #5317740 – $20. ea.

String Wheel, Plastic String Tuning Wheel- $25

Panel, ‘Illuminator box’ #5066211 / F-1470 w/ ‘fuse lamp’ sockets (lamps not included) - $25.


Potentiometer / Control, ‘Volume’ control pot, ALPS 250K BX2 / #1010920
(see also Sansui 661 & 771) - $40. SOLD

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Balance’ control pot, ALPS 250K M / #1010940 - $40.

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Treble’, ‘ Bass’, control pots ALPS 100K BX2 / #1010930 - $35. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Rotary / Wafer ‘Input Selector’ switch, ALPS #110240 - $40.

Switches / Selectors, Rotary / Wafer ‘Speaker’ switch ALPS #1102400 - $35.

Switches / Selectors, Push Switches, ‘Audio Muting’, ‘Low Filter’, ‘Hi Filter’ switch, #1130790- $25. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Push Switches, ’Loudness’, ‘Mono’, ‘Tape Monitor’ Switches 1 - 2, ‘FM Muting’ switch,  #1130770 - $25. ea.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Power’ push switch #1130350, AC125VA w/ clamping capacitor
(button sold separately) - $25. SOLD

Switches / Selectors, ‘Antenna attenuator’ switch - $20.

Switches / Selectors. ‘Voltage adjustment’ switch w/ plug / jumper (plastic cover sold separately) - $35.

Cover, Voltage selector switch cover - $20.

Switches / Selectors. ‘FM De-emphasis’ switch - $25.


Circuit Board, ‘Tuning’ circuit board, board #F-1479-2 with transistors; 930D, 2SA562, 2SC711, 2SC738, Mitsubishi 2SC1047,  2SC1362, 2SC1364, 2SC403C, NEC 2SC555A, IC Hitachi HA11203M, KOR BL-12 0910210, Sansui 4240703,
(tuning capacitor sold separately) - $65.

Circuit Board, ‘Filter Unit’ circuit board #F-1505, with mounted resistors and capacitors (
less push Switches) - $35.

Capacitor, ‘Tuning’ capacitor #1220130 - $30.

Circuit Board, ‘Mic / Tone / Control Unit,’ circuit board #F-1504-1 with transistors; K34 / 25C, 2SC1222.  with mounted capacitors, resistors
(Tone pots, push Switches, mic jack sold separately) - $45.

Circuit Board, ‘Equalizer’ unit circuit board #F1503 with transistors; 2SC1222 - $35.

Circuit Board, ‘Driver Unit’ circuit board #F-1499, with transistors: Hitachi 2SC281, 2SA726, Sony 2SA706, Sony 2SC1124 and balance of capacitors, resistors - $65.

Circuit Board, ‘Power Board Unit’ / (power supply) circuit board #F-1500, with transistors; 2SC1364, Sanyo 2SD330E, Sanyo 2SC875E, Rectifier diodes; IR 10DC / IR-4B, 3W / 0.33 Ohm resistors, and balance of mounted capacitors and resistors
(less power supply filter cap, relay, output transistors, heat sink sold separately) - $65.

Relay, Omron relay type MY 2 / 24VDC - $35.


, ‘Power supply’ transformer #4001390– adjustable 120v-240v power option - $85.

Capacitors, ‘Power supply filter cap’ #E0549103 Elna 1000
μF 50 Volts - $25.
Capacitors, ‘Power supply filter cap’ Elna 4700uF 50 Volts - $20. ea.

Transistors, ‘Output’ transistors; SanKen 2SC1402 TO-3, Metal cased output transistors - $25. ea.
Heat Sink, Power amp heat sink
(less output transistors) - $25. ea.
Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Stereophones’ / Headphone jack, ¼ inch - $25.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Microphone’ / Mic jack, ¼ inch - $25.
Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA Input / Output  connectors / jacks ‘Phono’, ‘AUX’ 1-2, ‘Tape’1-2, ‘4channel adaptor’,  one bank with capacitors - $45.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Speaker’ connectors / terminals, 3 complete banks of 2 pairs #2290100 (Fits Sansui Sansui 661, 771, & 881, however, will not fit Sansui 221, 331, 441, or 551) - $35. ea. bank

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Antenna’ Connectors / post / terminals on fiber board as set of 3, includes attached resistors- $25.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, AC Convenience outlet / Socket, ‘AC Convenience’ sockets - $18. ea.
Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘DIN’ socket with resistors - $25.
Antenna, AM ‘Stick’ / bar / rod antenna, # 4200610 with extension / sliding mounting bracket - $35.

Fuse, Main AC / Power Fuse ‘Holder’
(cap sold separately) - $25.

Fuse, Main AC / Power Fuse ‘Cap’ (holder sold separately) - $30.

Panel, Rear sheet metal panel (less any input / output jacks / components) - $25.

, Bottom sheet metal - SOLD
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

  Foot / Feet, set of 4 -

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: Brown Advance cab, Drawer 1, Position right 1 & 2 -
 revised 3/18/19 

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)




Sansui_2000_Stereo_Receiver_Salv_web.jpg (32694 bytes)

(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)


for sale
Parting out due to problems with right side outputs. Wood case in NEW condition. Very good shape with only minor wear to some of the front panel silk screening. Parting out. 
Inquire for part you need. 
Many of the parts
MAY* also fit the 1000, 3000, 4000 & 5000 models such as Switches, pots, controls and knobs.

Wood Case - Excellent (may fit other models in this series) - $SOLD
(Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately when available)
 (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)


Face panel with glass (less knobs / buttons)
worn silk screening on Selector and Volume controls - $39.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tuning knob Black - $25. SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers
Tuning knob Silver - $25. 

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Large round knobs - $20 ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tone knobs (concentric sets) (Antenna, AM see also 2000X, 4000X & 5000X) - $20. ea


Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Push Switch caps - $12. ea.

VU / Tuning meter - $25.

Power supply Transformer (400-5285) - $45.

Power supply filter Caps - $15 ea.

Power amplifier outputs (Toshiba 2SC493, one side remaining) - $35. ea. side.


- Tuning capacitor - $35

Any control pot - $25. ea.

Ganged controls - Additional $15. ea.

Volume Control - SOLD

Switches / Selectors, Any switch - $25. ea.

Circuit Board, ‘Driver Unit’ circuit board #F-1180 / 2570221,

with transistors: NEC  2SA606, NEC 2SA659,
2SC871, NEC 2SC959, 2SC984, Sony 2SC1124, and balance of capacitors, diodes, resistors & PC mounted trim pots
(see; Sansui 2000A, QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) - $75. ea.



Rear panel - $65 complete (while parts last)

Cap, Fuse insert cap for AC Mains Power or Speaker Output - 'Threaded' version. 8.9mm diameter by 7mm thread length threaded section. Black bake-lite is tapered from 16mm to 11.65mm and is 'spring loaded' (fits most Sansui "X000" series receivers ie; 2000, 2000A, 4000, 5000, 5000A & 5000X that are 'threaded'. NOT the 'Bayonet' style). $25. ea. small and limited quantity available

Voltage selector assembly - $30.

Bottom sheet metal panel - $20
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)
Feet set of 4 - $25. or $12. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Any single rear panel Input / Output component (speaker output strips, RCA panels, etc.) - $25. ea. 

Antenna, AM  antenna - $25.

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

                                    revised 3/18/19 

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)

Sansui_3300_Sal_web.jpg (20887 bytes)

(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)
MODEL 3300
for sale
Parting out due to problems with left side outputs. Wood case in decent shape. Missing a couple of knobs. Call or Email for part you need




(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)
for sale.

Parting out.
Inquire for part you need. Some parts MAY* fit other Sansui receivers such as the Sansui 2000A, 2000X, 4000, 5000, 5000A, 5000X models.


Case / Bonnet / Cover
, Wood Case - Fair condition, with a few 'battle scars' edge dings, scuffs - $40.
SOLD (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Panel / Face / Front, Face panel with glass. Decent, with minor ‘gouge’ on right side trim. Not too distracting. (less knobs / buttons) - $65. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tuning knob
(see also 2000A, 2000X, 4000, 5000A, 5000X) - $40. SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Volume / Input Selector / Speaker knobs
(see also 2000A, 2000X, 4000, 5000A, 5000X) - $30 ea. SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tone / Bass, Treble, Mic / Microphone / Balance knobs Concentric  / split set (front / back)
(see also 2000X, 3000A, 4000, 5000A, 5000X) - $30. ea concentric / split set SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Black, Plastic, Push Switch caps (black)
(See also most of the Sansui models from this line / era, but not interchangeable with the "Sansui 5000")  - $25. ea. (Whoa, Why so many $$$$ for just a "stupid, little plastic button"? The elevated price is due to the difficulty to remove 'intact' as Sansui epoxied these on to the switch shafts and low success rate in removal from HIGH likely-hood of injury (to us) or breakage of nylon switch shaft or cap)

Knobs, Caps, Buttons, Power Push Switch cap w/ spring
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A)- $25. SOLD

Meters, Center Tune meter #090012
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $30.

Meters, Signal Strength meter #090019 - $30.

Pointer / Indicator, Dial Tuning pointer / indicator / needle (light bulb in 'unknown' condition) - $35. ea.

Tuning  Flywheel Assembly, Tuning flywheel / bushing assembly - $35. ea. SOLD


Potentiometers / Controls, Volume Control pot, Alps, stacked 250Kx2, center tapped on top of vol #101020
(see also Sansui 2000A, 4000, 5000, & 5000A) - $45. SOLD

Potentiometers / Controls, Bass / Treble pots. Concentric, Alps, stacked 250K x2 #102004
(see also Sansui 2000A, 4000) - $45. ea.

Potentiometers / Controls, Balance Level pot – Alps, stacked 2x 250K #101040
(see also Sansui 2000A, 4000, 5000, & 5000A) - $45. ea. SOLD

Potentiometers / Controls, Muting control pot, (located on rear panel) - $25.

Potentiometers / Controls, Level Adjust control pot, 2x50k Ohms (located on rear panel)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $30.

Switches / selectors, Tape Monitor, Hi Filter, Lo Filter W/ BLACK CAP -– INCLUDED WITH F-1052 - CIRCUIT BOARD LISTED BELOW

Switches / selectors, 6-Pin. Latched, Push Switches for Muting Switch, FM Stereo, Reverse, Mono, Loudness Switch – INCLUDED WITH F-1155 - CIRCUIT BOARD LISTED BELOW

Switches / selectors, Power Switch (rectangle body)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $35. ea.

Switches / selectors, Rotary Input / Function Selector Switch w/ rod and sheet metal chassis section - $55.

Switches / selectors, Rotary Speaker Selector Switch - $45. ea.

Switches / selectors, Slide Speaker Dist / Local switch
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $25. ea.


, Power supply Transformer (4005339) “World Power” version 100V-240V - $60.

Capacitors, Power supply filter Caps ( 80V / 2200uf )
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000, 5000A & 5000X) - $25. ea.

Capacitors, Power supply filter Caps (50V / 1000uf )
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000, 5000A & 5000X) - $25. ea.

Capacitor, FM Front End / FM Tuning Capacitor #71036 (zinc string wheel sold separately) - $50. ea. SOLD

Capacitor, AM Front End / AM 3-Gang Tuning Capacitor #120002 (zinc string wheel sold separately) -$35. ea.

Wheel / Pulley, Nylon String wheel / Pulley, FM 'Wide, with grooves / ridges and 2 springs' - $25. ea.

Wheel / Pulley, Nylon String wheel / Pulley, AM 'Narrow, un-grooved, w/ no springs' - $25. ea.

Circuit Board, F-1038 IF AM Tuner Circuit Board, w/ Transistors; Hitachi 2SC460, and w/ adjustable transformers, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors and variable resistors. - $45.

Circuit Board, F-1149 Tone Control Circuit Board, w/ transistors Mitsubishi 2SC871, balance of board mounted capacitors, and resistors
(does not include the 4 Potentiometers). - $45.

Circuit Board, F-1150 Driver Amp Block Circuit Board, w/ transistors; Toshiba 2SA485, 2SA537A, Hitachi 2SC708, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors and variable resistors. - $65. ea. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1150 Driver Amp Block Circuit Board, w/ transistors; Toshiba 2SA485, 2SA537A, Hitachi 2SC708, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors and variable resistors. (please note: This particular board is missing 2 of 3 transistors 2SC708 and heat sinks for board locations TR805 and TR807.
 - $25. as-is SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1055 Tape Monitor Circuit Board SW, includes both Switches and black plastic caps.
- $45.

Circuit Board, F-1169 Equalizer Amp Circuit Board with a balance of board mounted transistors Mitsubishi 2SC871 and balance of board mounted capacitors, adjustable transistor and resistors - $65. ea.

Circuit Board, F-1176 Protector Block with NEC F6, Hitachi 2SC458 and balance of board mounted variable resistors, capacitors, diodes and resistors, however, we pulled transistor 2SC627 for shop use - $30. As-Is

Circuit Board, F-1178 Accessory Circuit Board, includes latched ‘push’ Switches with their black plastic caps and balance of board mounted capacitors, and resistors - $65.

Circuit Board, F-1185 Multiplex / MPX Circuit Board, w/ Transistors; Mitsubishi 2SC564, 536E,  and w/ adjustable Transformers; Sansui, and balance of board mounted adjustable transformers, variable resistors, capacitors, chokes,  diodes and resistors. - $45. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1186 High Low Filter Circuit Board, includes both filter Switches and black plastic caps.
Balance of board mounted capacitors - $45.

Circuit Board, F-1187 Ripple Filter Block Circuit Board, Transistors; NEC 2SD205, 2SC971 and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors - $35.

Circuit Board, F-1214 FM IF Block Circuit Board, w/ IC’s; PA7703-260-7028, Transistors; 2SC380, Mitsubishi 2SA564, 2SC828, variable resistors and balance of board mounted adjustable transformers (All 10.7 Mhz, 423548, 423548, 423549,  423518, & 423529), capacitors, chokes,  diodes and resistors. - $45. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1220 w/Transistors; Hitachi 2SC460, and w/ adjustable transformers, and balance of board mounted variable resistors, capacitors, diodes and resistors (see also Sansui 2000A & 4000)- $35.

Transistors, Power Amplifier Output transistors; Can be 2SC1116, 2SD213, or can be sub’d with NTE284 or ECG162 (what we currently have are ‘old’ replacements by ‘Sylvania / ECG’ part number ECG162 - $25. ea. tested good w/ NO leakage

Heat Sinks- Smaller, small power amp heat-sinks (transistors sold separately)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000A and 5000X) - $25. ea.

Heat Sinks- Larger, large power amp heat-sinks (transistors sold separately)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000A and 5000X) - $25. ea.


Connectors, Multi-pin 14 pin circuit board, edge connector - $25. ea

Connectors, Multi-pin 14 pin circuit board, edge connector - $25. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, DIN Tape Recorder RCA Input / Output jack (see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $30.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Phono 1, Phono 2, Tape Monitor  and AUX RCA Input jacks  - $35. ea. set of 10 jacks on bakelite panel / plate - $45. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Speaker connectors / jacks / clips, sold in set / strip of four connectors (all black and red in color) (see also Sansui 4000, 5000 5000A, & 5000X (4000 and 5000X are black and red). Others are all black)) - $35. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Headphone Jack (decorative nut sold separately) - $25. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, AC power convenience outlets / connectors - $20. ea.

Panel / Plate
, Rear panel - $35. sheet metal only.
(a name is engraved into the back panel)

Fuse Holder, Main AC Power Fuse insert holders (caps sold separately) - $20. ea.

Cap, Fuse insert cap for AC Mains Power or Speaker Output - 'Threaded' version. 8.9mm diameter by 7mm thread length threaded section. Black bake-lite is tapered from 16mm to 11.65mm and is 'spring loaded' (fits most Sansui "X000" series receivers ie; 2000, 2000A, 4000, 5000, 5000A & 5000X that are 'threaded'. NOT the 'Bayonet' style). $25. ea. small and limited quantity available

Fuse Holder, Speaker Fuse insert holders (caps sold separately) - $20. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Antenna connector plate - $25. ea.

Antenna, AM antenna Ferrite stick
(15 Centimeters in Length) (mounting bracket sold separately) - $30. ea.

Antenna, AM antenna Bracket only (antenna stick sold separately) - $30. ea.

Plate, Aluminum, silk-screened Sansui name plate from heat sinks with Speaker output listing. (with screws) Straight and only minor scuffs / scratches - $25.

Voltage selector assembly w/ jumper plugs (2) - $55.

Bottom sheet metal panel - $20. SOLD
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Feet set of 4 - $25. or $12. ea. SOLD

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, South, Center Island, 2nd from left cab (tan), 3rd drawer - Revised 7/7/2022 

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)




(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)
for sale.

Parting out.
Inquire for part you need. Some parts MAY* fit other Sansui receivers such as the Sansui 2000A, 2000X, 4000, 5000, 5000A, 5000X models.


Case / Bonnet / Cover
, Wood Case - Fair condition, with a few 'battle scars' edge dings, scuffs - $40. SOLD
(Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately)  (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Case / Bonnet / Cover, Black Metal Case / Cover - Decent condition, with a few 'battle scars' edge dings, scuffs - $40. SOLD (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately)
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Panel / Face / Front, Face panel with glass. Wear to silk screening around ‘input selector’ switch. (less knobs / buttons) - $55. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tuning knob
- $45. SOLD
Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Volume / Balance / Input Selector / Speaker knobs
(see also 2000A, 2000X, 4000, 5000A, 5000X) - $30 ea. SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tone / Bass, Treble, knobs Concentric  / split set (front / back)
(see also 2000X, 3000A, 4000, 5000A, 5000X) - $30. ea concentric / split set SOLD
Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Black, Plastic, Push Switch caps (black) (not interchangeable with the "Sansui 4000, 5000A" or "5000X")  - $25. ea. (Whoa, Why so many $$$$ for just a "stupid, little plastic button"? The elevated price is due to the difficulty to remove 'intact' as Sansui epoxied these on to the switch shafts and low success rate in removal from HIGH likely-hood of injury (to us) or breakage of nylon switch shaft or cap)

Knobs, Caps, Buttons, Power Push Switch cap w/ spring
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $25.
Meters, Center Tune / Tuning meter #090012
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $35.

Meters, Signal Strength meter
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35.

Pointer / Indicator, Dial Tuning pointer / indicator / needle (light bulb in 'unknown' condition).
(It appears that the "dial pointer" is interchangeable between the Sansui "5000", "5000A" and "5000X", but we haven't tried to interchange them, nor found definitive information on that so do your own 'homework') - $35. ea. SOLD

Tuning  Flywheel Assembly, Tuning flywheel / bushing assembly - $35. ea.


Potentiometers / Controls, Volume Control pot, Alps Stacked 250K #101020
(see also Sansui 2000A, 4000, 5000, & 5000A) - $55. ea. SOLD

Potentiometers / Controls, Bass / Treble Control pots, Alps #102004 Concentric / Stacked 100K
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $45. ea.

Potentiometers / Controls
, Balance Control pot #101021 Alps Stacked 2x 250K, Center Tapped on top
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $45. ea. SOLD

Potentiometers / Controls
, MPX Separation control pot, 5k Ohms (located on rear panel)
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $20. ea.

Potentiometers / Controls, Level Adjust control pot, 2x50k Ohms (located on rear panel)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $30. ea.

Switches / selectors, Tape Monitor, Hi Filter, Lo Filter W/ BLACK CAP #113007
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) – INCLUDED WITH F-1052 - CIRCUIT BOARD LISTED BELOW

Switches / selectors
, 6-Pin. Latched, Push Switches for Muting Switch, FM Stereo, Reverse, Mono, Loudness Switch
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) – INCLUDED WITH F-1056 - CIRCUIT BOARD LISTED BELOW

Switches / selectors
Power Switch #113009 (round switch body, not rectangular version)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $45. ea. SOLD

Switches / selectors, Rotary Input / Function Selector Switch #110504
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $45.

Switches / selectors
, Rotary Input Selector linkage / rod
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $25. ea.

Switches / selectors, Rotary Speaker Selector Switch #110208
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) -  $45. ea.

Switches / selectors
, Slide Speaker ‘Damping’ Switch or Dist / Local switch
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $25. ea.


, Power supply Transformer (4005292C) - $60. ea.

Capacitors, Power supply filter Caps ( 80V / 2200uf )
(see also Sansui 5000, 5000A & 5000X) - $25. ea.

Capacitors, Power supply filter Caps (50V / 1000uf )
(see also Sansui 5000, 5000A & 5000X) - $25. ea.

Capacitors, Power supply filter Caps (35V / 1000uf ) - $25. ea.

Capacitor, FM Front End / FM Tuning Capacitor Alps #F-1011 (zinc string wheel sold separately) - $50. ea. SOLD 10/19/2022

Capacitor, AM Front End / AM 3-Gang Tuning Capacitor (zinc string wheel sold separately) -$35. ea. SOLD

Wheel / Pulley, Zinc String wheel / Pulley
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $20. ea. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1005 FM IF Circuit Board, w/ IC’s; PA7703-260-6935, Transistors; 2SC380, Mitsubishi 2SC828, variable resistors and balance of board mounted adjustable transformers, capacitors, chokes,  diodes and resistors.
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $45. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1006-A FM MPX Circuit Board, w/ Transistors;  2SC373, 2SC536, Mitsubishi 2SC564A, Matsushita 2SC656and w/ adjustable Transformers; Sansui, 424021-213N, 424022-213N, 424025-213N, 424038-212N, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors and variable resistors
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A)  - $45. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1029 Tone Control Circuit Board, w/ transistors Mitsubishi 2SC871 and 536E transistors and 693F transistors; balance of board mounted capacitors, and resistors
(does not include the 4 Potentiometers). - $45.

Circuit Board, F-1036 Equalizer Amp Circuit Board with a balance of board mounted transistors 2SC281 and 2SC650and balance of board mounted capacitors, resistors
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $65. ea.

Circuit Board, F-1038 IF AM Tuner Circuit Board, w/ Transistors; Hitachi 2SC460, and w/ adjustable transformers, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors and variable resistors. - $45. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1040 Driver Amp Circuit Board, w/ transistors; Hitachi 2SC458, Sony 2SC756,  Toshiba 2SA485, variable resistor / trim pot and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes & resistors.
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $85. ea. SOLD OUT

Circuit Board, F-1041 Protector Circuit Board, w/ transistors; Hitachi 2SC458, Mitsubishi 2SF521, variable resistor and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors.
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A)  - $35.

Circuit Board, F-1042 Diode Stack Circuit Board, w/ 8 diodes.
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $25.

Circuit Board, F-1051 High Low Filter Circuit Board, includes both filter Switches and black plastic caps.
Balance of board mounted capacitors (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $45. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1052 Tape Monitor Circuit Board SW, includes both Switches and black plastic caps.
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A)  - $45.

Circuit Board, F-1056 Accessory Circuit Board, includes latched ‘push’ Switches with their black plastic caps and balance of board mounted capacitors, and resistors
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $65.

Circuit Board, F-1120 / F-1098 Muting Circuit Board, w/ Transistors; Hitachi 2SC458, Mitsubishi 2SC828,   Photo-Cell module MPL-101I, variable resistor and balance of board mounted capacitors and resistors.
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A)  - $45. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1137A Ripple Filter Circuit Board, Transistors; NEC 2SD205, Stanley ZHR212 and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35.
Transistors, Power Amplifier Output Transistors Toshiba 2SD118, TO-3, Metal Cased output transistors
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A)  - $35. ea. tested good w/ NO leakage SOLD OUT

Heat Sinks, (transistors sold separately)  - $30. ea.


Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Tape Monitor RCA Input / Output jacks  (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - FULL set of 8 jacks on bakelite panel / plate $45.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, DIN Tape Monitor RCA Input / Output jack (see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $30.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Phono 1, Phono 2 and AUX RCA Input jacks, set of 6 jacks on bakelite panel / plate (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - FULL set of 6 jacks on bakelite panel / plate $45.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Speaker connectors / jacks / clips, sold in set / strip of four connectors (all black in color) (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35.

Jacks / Terminals / Connectors, Headphone Jack (decorative nut sold separately) - $25. ea. SOLD

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Tape-2 Jack, front mounted (decorative nut sold separately) - $25. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Decorative Nut / Fastener for Mic, Tape or Headphone jacks - $20. ea. (when available)

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, AC power convenience outlets / connectors - $20. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Phono GND / Ground post / terminal / screw / bolt (see also Sansui 5000, 5000A, 5000X and possibly others) - $20.

Panel / Plate
, Rear panel - $35. sheet metal only. All parts / components removed -$25. ea.

Fuse Holder, Main AC Power Fuse insert holders (caps sold separately)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000, 5000A and 5000X) - $25. ea.

Cap, Fuse insert cap for AC Mains Power or Speaker Output - 'Threaded' version. 8.9mm diameter by 7mm thread length threaded section. Black bake-lite is tapered from 16mm to 11.65mm and is 'spring loaded' (fits most Sansui "X000" series receivers ie; 2000, 2000A, 4000, 5000, 5000A & 5000X that are 'threaded'. NOT the 'Bayonet' style). $30. ea.  small and limited quantity available
(location; misc Sansui cabinet)

Caps, Speaker Fuse insert caps (bayonet)
- $30. ea. SOLD / MIA?

Fuse Holder, Speaker Fuse insert holders (caps sold separately)
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $20. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Antenna connector plate - $25. ea.


, AM antenna Ferrite stick (mounting bracket sold separately)
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A)  - $30. ea.

Antenna, AM antenna Bracket only (antenna stick sold separately)
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $30. ea.

Plate, Aluminum, silk-screened Sansui name plate from heat sinks with Speaker output listing (with screws). Straight and only minor scuffs / scratches - $25.

Voltage selector assembly w/ jumper plug
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A and may also fit Stax DA-80M Mono-block amplifier) - $35.

Bottom sheet metal panel - $20. SOLD
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Feet set of 4 - $25. or $12. ea. SOLD

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, South, Center Island, 1st / left-most cab / gray, 4th drawer - Revised 1/4/2023 

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)



(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)
for sale.

Parting out. Unit in very good shape with only minor wear to some of the front panel silk screening. Parting out. 
Inquire for part you need. Some parts MAY* fit other Sansui receivers such as the Sansui 2000A, 2000X, 4000, 5000A, 5000X models.


Case / Bonnet / Cover
, Wood Case - Fair condition, with a few 'battle scars' edge dings, scuffs - $40. SOLD
(Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately)  (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Case / Bonnet / Cover, Black Metal Case / Cover - Decent condition, with a few 'battle scars' edge dings, scuffs - $40. (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately)
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Panel / Face / Front, Face panel with glass. Dial glass clean. Metal panel is VERY clean, with no wear to silk screened lettering. Has ID number engraved on top, horizontal edge (not visible from front, only when looking down from above) (less knobs / buttons) Good condition - $65. ea.

Panel / Face / Front, Face panel with glass. Dial glass has minor scuff. Metal panel is VERY clean, with no wear to silk screened lettering. (less knobs / buttons) Good condition - $65. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tuning knob
(for 'Split/ Splined shaft'. NOT 5000X) - $45. 1 JUST IN
Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Volume / Balance / Input Selector / Speaker knobs
(see also 2000A, 2000X, 4000, 5000A, 5000X) - $30 ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tone / Bass, Treble, knobs Concentric  / split set (front / back)
(see also 2000X, 3000A, 4000, 5000A, 5000X) - $30. ea concentric / split set
Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Black, Plastic, Push Switch caps (black)
(See also most of the Sansui models from this line / era, but not interchangeable with the "Sansui 5000")  - $25. ea. (Whoa, Why so many $$$$ for just a "stupid, little plastic button"? The elevated price is due to the difficulty to remove 'intact' as Sansui epoxied these on to the switch shafts and low success rate in removal from HIGH likely-hood of injury (to us) or breakage of nylon switch shaft or cap)

Knobs, Caps, Buttons, Power Push Switch cap w/ spring
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $30.  2 IN STOCK
Meters, Center Tune meter #090012
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35.  2 IN STOCK

Meters, Signal Strength meter #090011
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35.  2 IN STOCK

Pointer / Indicator, Dial Tuning pointer / indicator / needle (light bulb in 'unknown' condition).
(It appears that the "dial pointer" is interchangeable between the Sansui "5000", "5000A" and "5000X", but we haven't tried to interchange them, nor found definitive information on that so do your own 'homework') - $35. ea. 1 JUST IN

Tuning  Flywheel Assembly, Tuning flywheel / bushing assembly (not interchangeable with Sansui 5000X) - $35. ea. 3 IN STOCK


Potentiometers / Controls, Volume Control pot, Alps Stacked 250K #101020
(see also Sansui 2000A, 4000, 5000, & 5000A) - $55. ea. SOLD 6/29/2022

Potentiometers / Controls, Bass / Treble Control pots, Alps #102004 Concentric / Stacked 100K
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000, & 5000A) - $45. ea.  2 JUST IN

Potentiometers / Controls, Balance Control pot #101021 Alps Stacked 2x 250K, Center Tapped on top
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $45. ea.  1 JUST IN

Potentiometers / Controls, MPX Separation control pot, 5k Ohms (located on rear panel)
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $20. ea.  2 IN STOCK

Potentiometers / Controls, Level Adjust control pot, 2x50k Ohms (located on rear panel)
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $30. ea.  2 IN STOCK

Switches / selectors, Tape Monitor, Hi Filter, Lo Filter W/ BLACK CAP
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) – INCLUDED WITH F-1052 - CIRCUIT BOARD LISTED BELOW

Switches / selectors, 6-Pin. Latched, Push Switches for Muting Switch, FM Stereo, Reverse, Mono, Loudness Switch
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) – INCLUDED WITH F-1056 - CIRCUIT BOARD LISTED BELOW

Switches / selectors,
Power Switch #113009 (round switch body, not rectangular version)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $55. ea. SOLD 1/2/23 

Switches / selectors, Rotary Input / Source Selector Switch #110504
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $55.  2 IN STOCK

Switches / selectors, Rotary Input / Function Selector linkage / rod
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $25. ea.  2 IN STOCK

Switches / selectors, Rotary Speaker Selector Switch #110208
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $55. ea.  2 IN STOCK

Switches / selectors, Slide Speaker ‘Damping’ Switch or Dist / Local switch
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $25. ea.  2 IN STOCK


, Power supply Transformer (4000970) - $45. ea.

Transformer, Power supply Transformer (400-5292C) (multi-voltage version) - $45. ea. 2 IN STOCK

Capacitors, Power supply filter Caps ( 80V / 2200uf )
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000, 5000A & 5000X) - $25. ea.

Capacitors, Power supply filter Caps (50V / 1000uf )
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000, 5000A & 5000X) - $25. ea.

Capacitor, FM Front End / FM Tuning Capacitor #F-1085A (zinc string wheel sold separately) - $50. ea.  2 IN STOCK

Capacitor, AM Front End / AM 3-Gang Tuning Capacitor (zinc string wheel sold separately) -$35. ea.  2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-1005 FM IF Circuit Board, w/ IC’s; PA7703-260-6935, Transistors; 2SC380, Mitsubishi 2SC828, variable resistors and balance of board mounted adjustable transformers, capacitors, chokes,  diodes and resistors. (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $45. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1006-A FM MPX Circuit Board, w/ Transistors;  2SC373, 2SC536, Mitsubishi 2SC564A, Matsushita 2SC656and w/ adjustable Transformers; Sansui, 424021-213N, 424022-213N, 424025-213N, 424038-212N, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors and variable resistors
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $45.  2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-1029 Tone Control Circuit Board, w/ transistors Mitsubishi 2SC871 and 536E transistors and 693G transistors; balance of board mounted capacitors, and resistors (does not include the 4 Potentiometers).
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $45.  2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-1036 Equalizer Amp Circuit Board with a balance of board mounted transistors 2SC281 and 2SC650and balance of board mounted capacitors, resistors
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $65. ea. 2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board,
F-1038-5 IF AM Tuner Circuit Board, w/ Transistors; Hitachi 2SC460, and w/ adjustable transformers, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors and variable resistors. - $45. 2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-1040 Driver Amp Circuit Board, w/ transistors; Hitachi 2SC458, Sony 2SC756,  Toshiba 2SA485, variable resistor / trim pot and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes & resistors.
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $65. ea. SOLD OUT

Circuit Board, F-6013 / TP-H43-T Driver Amp Circuit Board, w/ Transistors; Sanken 2SA765, 2SC1445, Fairchild 2SC627, Hitachi 2SC984, 2SC2240, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes, resistors and variable resistors - $85. ea. 2 JUST IN STOCK 

Circuit Board, F-1041 / F-1041A Protector Circuit Board, w/ transistors; Hitachi 2SC458, Mitsubishi 2SF521, variable resistor and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors.
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35. 2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-1042 Diode Stack Circuit Board, w/ 8 diodes.
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $25. 2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-1051 High Low Filter Circuit Board, includes both filter Switches and black plastic caps.
Balance of board mounted capacitors (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $45. 2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-1052 Tape Monitor Circuit Board SW, includes both Switches and black plastic caps.
- $45. 2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-1056 Accessory Circuit Board, includes latched ‘push’ Switches with their black plastic caps and balance of board mounted capacitors, and resistors
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $65. 2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-1120 Muting Circuit Board, w/ Transistors; Hitachi 2SC458, Mitsubishi 2SC828,   PhotoCell module MPL-101I, variable resistor and balance of board mounted capacitors and resistors.
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $45. 2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-1137 Ripple Filter Circuit Board, w/ Transistors; #TR001 / TEN 2SD167 or 2SD767, (hard to read label), #TR002 / NEC 2SD205, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35.

Circuit Board, F-1137A Ripple Filter Circuit Board, w/ Transistors; Sanken 2SD223, Matsushita 2SC696, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35. 2 IN STOCK
Transistors, Power Amplifier Output Transistors Toshiba 2SD118, TO-3, Metal Cased output transistors
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35. ea. tested good w/ NO leakage  2+ IN STOCK

Transistors, Power Amplifier Output Transistors Toshiba 2SC2607, TO-3, Metal Cased output transistors - $35. ea. tested good w/ NO leakage

Heat Sinks- Smaller, (See also
4000, 5000A & 5000X) (transistors sold separately) (there are two different output transistor heat sinks on the each Sansui 5000A and 5000X) - $25. ea.  4+ IN STOCK

Heat Sinks- Larger, (See also
4000, 5000A & 5000X) (transistors sold separately) (there are two different output transistor heat sinks on the each Sansui 5000A and 5000X) - $25. ea.  2 IN STOCK


Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Tape Monitor RCA Input / Output jacks  (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - FULL set of 8 jacks on bakelite panel / plate $45. 2 IN STOCK

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, DIN Tape Monitor RCA Input / Output jacks  (see also Sansui 4000, 5000 and 5000A) - $20. 2 IN STOCK (1 chipped but functional)

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Tape Head, Phono 2 and AUX RCA Input jacks, set of 6 jacks on bakelite panel / plate (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - FULL set of 6 jacks on bakelite panel / plate $45.  2 IN STOCK

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Speaker connectors / jacks / clips, sold in set / strip of four connectors. Most have minor crack in plastic, but still functional (all black in color) (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35.  A FEW IN STOCK

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Headphone Jack (decorative nut sold separately) (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $25. ea. 2 IN STOCK

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Tape-2 Jack, front mounted (decorative nut sold separately) (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $25. ea. 2+ IN STOCK

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
, Mic jack (decorative nut sold separately) - $25. ea.  2 IN STOCK

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Decorative Nut / Fastener for Mic, Tape or Headphone jacks - $20. ea. (when available)

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, AC power convenience outlets / connectors (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $20. ea.  4 IN STOCK

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Phono GND / Ground post / terminal / screw / bolt (see also Sansui 5000, 5000A, 5000X and possibly others) - $20.  2 IN STOCK

Panel / Plate
, Rear panel - $35. sheet metal only. All parts / components removed -$35. ea.

Caps, Main AC Power Fuse insert cap (threaded)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000, 5000A and 5000X) - $30. ea.  2 IN STOCK

Fuse Holder, Main AC Power Fuse insert holders (caps sold separately)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000, 5000A and 5000X) - $25. ea.  2 IN STOCK

Cap, Fuse insert cap for AC Mains Power or Speaker Output - 'Threaded' version. 8.9mm diameter by 7mm thread length threaded section. Black bake-lite is tapered from 16mm to 11.65mm and is 'spring loaded' (fits most Sansui "X000" series receivers ie; 2000, 2000A, 4000, 5000, 5000A & 5000X that are 'threaded'. NOT the 'Bayonet' style). $30. ea.  small and limited quantity available
(location; misc Sansui cabinet)

Caps, Speaker Fuse insert caps (bayonet) - $30. ea.

Fuse Holder, Speaker Fuse insert holders (caps sold separately)
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $20. ea.

Jacks / Terminals / Connectors, Antenna connector plate - $25. ea.


Antenna, AM antenna Ferrite stick (mounting bracket sold separately)
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35. ea.  2 IN STOCK

Antenna, AM antenna Bracket only (antenna stick sold separately)
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A) - $35. ea.  2 IN STOCK

Plate, Aluminum, silk-screened Sansui name plate from heat sinks with Speaker output listing (with screws). Straight and only minor scuffs / scratches - $25.

Voltage selector assembly w/ jumper plug
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A and may also fit Stax DA-80M Mono-block amplifier) - $35. 1 Remaining in stock

Bottom sheet metal panel - $40.
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Feet set of 4 - $30. or $15. ea.

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, South, Center Island, Right / Eastern cab (beige), 4th drawer - Revised 1/4/2023


  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)



(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)

for sale.

Parting out. Unit in very good shape with only minor wear to some of the front panel silk screening. Parting out. 
Inquire for part you need. 
Some parts MAY* fit other Sansui receivers such as the Sansui 2000A, 2000X, 4000, 5000A, 5000X models.


Case / Bonnet / Cover
, Wood Case - Fair condition, with a few 'battle scars' edge dings, scuffs - $40. SOLD
(Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately)  (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Case / Bonnet / Cover, Black Metal Case / Cover - Decent condition, with a few 'battle scars' edge dings, scuffs - $40. SOLD (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately)
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Panel / Face / Front, Face panel with glass (less knobs / buttons) Good condition - $65.
SOLD 1/4/2023

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tuning knob
("D-Shaft") - $45. SOLD
Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Volume / Input Selector / Speaker knob knobs
(see also 2000A, 2000X, 4000, 5000A, 5000X) - $30. SOLD OUT

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tone / Bass, Treble, Mic / Microphone / Balance knobs Concentric  / split set (front / back) (see also 2000X, 3000A, 4000, 5000A, 5000X) - $30. ea concentric / split set
Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Black, Plastic, Push Switch caps (black)
(See also most of the Sansui models from this line / era, but not interchangeable with the "Sansui 5000") - $25. ea. (Whoa, Why so many $$$$ for just a "stupid, little plastic button"? The elevated price is due to the difficulty to remove 'intact' as Sansui epoxied these on to the switch shafts and low success rate in removal from HIGH likely-hood of injury (to us) or breakage of nylon switch shaft or cap)

Knobs, Caps, Buttons, Power Push Switch cap - $20. ea. - SOLD 
Meters, Center Tune meter #4300410 - $40.

Meters, Signal Strength meter
#4300400 - $40.

Pointer / Indicator, Dial Tuning pointer / indicator / needle (light bulb in 'unknown' condition).
(It appears that the "dial pointer" is interchangeable between the Sansui "5000", "5000A" and "5000X", but we haven't tried to interchange them, nor found definitive information on that so do your own 'homework') - $35.

Tuning  Flywheel Assembly, Tuning flywheel / bushing assembly (not interchangeable with Sansui 5000A) - $35. ea.


Potentiometers / Controls, Volume Control pot, Alps Stacked 250K #1010200
(see also Sansui 2000X & 5000X) - $55. ea. SOLD

Potentiometers / Controls, Tone / Bass / Treble Control pots, Alps Stacked 100K #1020040
Bass / Treble Control pots
. (see also Sansui 2000X & 5000X) - $35. ea.

Potentiometers / Controls, Balance / Mic Level pot – Alps Stacked 250K / 30K, Center Tapped on top #1010210 - $45. ea.
SOLD 6/20/2022

Potentiometers / Controls, MPX Separation control pot 2k Ohms (located on rear panel) - $20.

Potentiometers / Controls, Level Adjust control pot 2x50k Ohms (located on rear panel) - $30.

Switches / selectors, Tape Monitor, Hi Filter, Lo Filter W/ BLACK CAP - $25. ea.

Switches / selectors, (S-1) Muting Switch, (S-2) FM Stereo, (S-6) Reverse, (S-6) Mono, (S-7) Loudness Switch - $25. ea.
(black caps sold separately)

Switches / selectors, Power Switch (Rectangular switch body, not round version) - $55.00 SOLD

Switches / selectors, Rotary Input
/ Function Selector Switch - $45. SOLD

Switches / selectors
, Rotary Input Selector linkage / rod - $20.

Switches / selectors
, Rotary Speaker Selector Switch - $45. ea.


, Power supply Transformer (4000970) - $45.

Capacitors, Power supply filter Caps ( 80V / 2200uf )
(see also Sansui 5000, 5000A & 5000X) - $25. ea.

Capacitors, Power supply filter Caps (50V / 1000uf )
(see also Sansui 5000, 5000A & 5000X) - $25. ea.

Capacitor, FM Front End / FM Tuning Capacitor #7510351 w/ plastic string wheel - $50. SOLD 1/11/2022

Capacitor, AM Front End / AM 3-Gang Tuning Capacitor #1200020 -$35. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-1006-2 FM MPX Circuit Board, w/ Transistors;  2SC373, 2SC536, 2SC971, and w/ adjustable Transformers; Sansui, 424021-213N, 424022-213N, 424025-213N, 424038-212N, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors and variable resistors - $45. ea.

Circuit Board, F-1038-5 IF AM Tuner Circuit Board, w/ Transistors;  2SC380, and w/ adjustable transformers; 421010021JS, 42203001DNT,  4230440212S, 423047021JS,  423048021JS, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors and variable resistors - $45. ea.

Circuit Board, F-1056-5 Accessory Circuit Board, with light bar / holder (working bulbs not included) and balance of board mounted capacitors, and resistors
(Switches not included and sold separately) - $35.

Circuit Board
, F-1137A Ripple Filter Circuit Board, w/ Transistors; Sanken 2SD223, Matsushita 2SC696, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors - $35. ea.

Circuit Board, F-1219 FM IF Tuner Circuit Board, Transistors; Mitsubishi 2SC828, 2SC380, and  IC’S: NEC C555A w/ adjustable transformers; Sansui 423518-212C, 423529-212N,  423547-212C, 423548-212C, 423549-212C, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes, resistors and variable resistors - $35. ea 

Circuit Board, F-1350-3 Tone / Mic circuit board w/Transistors; Mitsubishi 2SC871 with a balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors - $45. Potentiometers are not included. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-6013 Driver Amp Circuit Board, w/ Transistors; 2SA566, 2SC627, 2SC680, 2SC984, and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes, resistors and variable resistors - $85. ea.

Circuit Board, F-6016 Filter Block Circuit Board Transistors; Mitsubishi 2SC871 and balance of board mounted
variable resistor / trim pot and balance of board mounted capacitors, diodes & resistors
(less Switches) - $35. ea. 
Transistors, Power Amplifier Output Transistors Toshiba 2SC1079 TO-3, Metal Cased output transistors - $35. ea. tested good w/ NO leakage

Heat Sinks- Smaller, (See also 4000, 5000A & 5000X) (transistors sold separately) (there are two different output transistor heat sinks on the each Sansui 5000A and 5000X) - $25. ea.

Heat Sinks- Larger, (See also 4000, 5000A & 5000X) (transistors sold separately) (there are two different output transistor heat sinks on the each Sansui 5000A and 5000X) - $25. ea.


Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Tape Monitor RCA Input / Output jacks  - $35. set of 8 jacks on bakelite panel / plate

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, DIN Tape Monitor RCA Input / Output jacks  - $25.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Phono 1, Phono 2 and AUX RCA Input jacks  - $35. set of 6 jacks on bakelite panel / plate

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Pre-Output / Main Input jack set (U-Jumpers sold separately) - $35.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, U-Jumpers / connectors for Pre-Out / Main-In - $35. pair

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Speaker connectors / jacks / clips, sold in set / strip of four connectors (all black and red in color) (see also Sansui 4000, 5000 5000A, & 5000X (4000 and 5000X are black and red). Others are all black)) - $35.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Headphone Jack (decorative nut sold separately) - $25.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Tape-2 Jack (decorative nut sold separately) - $25.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
, Mic jack (decorative nut sold separately) - $25.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Decorative Nut / Fastener for Mic, Tape or Headphone jacks - $20. ea. (when available)

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, AC power convenience outlets / connectors - $20. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Phono GND / Ground post / terminal / screw / bolt (see also Sansui 5000, 5000A, 5000X and possibly others) - $20. SOLD BOTH

Panel / Plate
, Rear panel - $35. sheet metal only. All parts / components removed

Caps, Main AC Power Fuse insert cap (threaded)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000, 5000A and 5000X)- $25. ea.  SOLD OUT?

Fuse Holder, Main AC Power Fuse insert holders (caps sold separately)
(see also Sansui 4000, 5000, 5000A and 5000X) - $25. ea.

Cap, Fuse insert cap for AC Mains Power or Speaker Output - 'Threaded' version. 8.9mm diameter by 7mm thread length threaded section. Black bake-lite is tapered from 16mm to 11.65mm and is 'spring loaded' (fits most Sansui "X000" series receivers ie; 2000, 2000A, 4000, 5000, 5000A & 5000X that are 'threaded'. NOT the 'Bayonet' style). $30. ea.  small and limited quantity available

(location; misc Sansui cabinet)

Caps, Speaker Fuse insert caps (threaded)
(see also Sansui 4000, and 5000X) - $30. ea.

Fuse Holder, Speaker Fuse insert holders (caps sold separately)
(see also Sansui 4000, and 5000X) - $20. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Antenna connector plate - $25.


Antenna, AM antenna Ferrite stick (mounting bracket sold separately) - $30.

Antenna, AM antenna Bracket only (antenna stick sold separately) - $30.

Plate, Aluminum, silk-screened Sansui name plate from heat sinks with Speaker output listing (with screws). Straight and only minor scuffs / scratches - $25.SOLD

Voltage selector assembly
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A and may also fit Stax DA-80M Mono-block amplifier) - $30. SOLD??

Bottom sheet metal panel - $20. SOLD
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Feet set of 4 - $25. or $12. ea.

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, South, Center Island, 2nd from right cab (black), 2nd drawer - Revised 1/4/2023

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)





(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)

Unit looks near NEW! Very clean.
Many of the parts such as Switches, pots, controls and knobs
MAY* also fit the Sansui 5050 / 6060 / 7070 / 8080 8080DB  / 9090 9090 DB models.

Bonnet / Case, Wood grain vinyl wrap case / cover - $65. Good + cond.
SOLD  (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately when available)
 (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Face panel / plate, Face panel (with plexi-glass)- $85. MIA? / SOLD?

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Part / Spares

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Large 'tuning' round knob (fits 6060, 7070, 8080 & 9090 models {5050 / 4040 unknown}) - $35. SOLD

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, 'Volume' round knob - $35. SOLD

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, 'Balance' Ring - $20. SOLD

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, 'Round' 'Tone' (Bass, Midrange, Treble) knob or 'Tape Selector' knob - $25. ea.

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, 'Round' 'Speaker Selector' / 'Input-Function Selector' knob - $30. ea.

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, 'Dolby Play Cal', 'Rec Level' & 'Mic Level' knobs - $25 ea.  - SOLD OUT

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Round 'PUSH' button Switch caps
(Loudness, FM Muting, Mono, Tape Monitor, Audio Monitor, High Filter, Low Filter, Meter Calibration) (see also Sansui 990 / 990DB, 7070, 8080 / 8080DB, 9090 / 9090DB, QRX-6001, QRX-7001, QRX-8001, QRX-9001 and possibly others) - $20. ea.

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Power switch cap - $25.

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Part / Spares

Switches / Selectors, Power Switch ALPS SDG5P TV-5
(See also Marantz 1250 & Sansui 7070. less cap) (Square shaft is 3.5mm on a side) - $35. SOLD

Switches / Selectors, Loudness or Mode Switches - $35. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Tape Play / Monitor / Selector - $45.

Switches / Selectors, Source / Input Selector Switch - $45. SOLD

Switches / Selectors, Extension shaft for Tape Play - $25. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Speaker Selector- $45.

Switches / Selectors, Dolby, FM mute, MPX or Meter Select switch with chrome caps - $35. ea.

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Part / Spares

Potentiometers / Controls, Tone Pots #1015180 - $40. ea.

Potentiometers / Controls, Volume / Balance Control Pot #1060320
(see Sansui 881, 7070, 8080 / 8080DB / Sansui 9090 / 9090DB) - $55. SOLD

Potentiometers / Controls, Mic Level Pot Alps dual 20kΩ w/ part #1090260 / 77S. (may be interchangeable with mic level pot on 8080) - $35.

Flywheel, Dial Shaft / Flywheel / Tuning control assembly assembly w/ bushing and shaft (knob sold separately) - $55.

Pulley, Tuning string wheel - $30. 

Pointer, Dial Pointer 5416050 & 5416350 / w/ 6.3V / 75ma light bulb in 'unknown' condition 
(see also 7070 & 8080)

Meters, Power meters - $55. pair on plate.

Tuning Meters or Signal meter - $35. ea.

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Part / Spares

Transformer, Power supply Transformer (North American 120V / 60Hz version) - $85.

Circuit Board, Power supply protector circuit board - $65.

Capacitors, Power Supply Filter Caps 10,000 mF & 50 Volts - $30. ea.

Amplifier Section, Power amplifier (complete) - $95.
Transistors, Single Outputs
(Sanken 2SC1115 or 2SA746) - $25. ea.

Heat Sinks
(less outputs) - $35.

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Part / Spares

Circuit Board
Any single circuit board unless singled out separately
(less pots, Switches, large transformers, Relays & outputs) Examples: F-2627, F-2620 'Equalizer & Mic Circuit Board', F-2622 (Tone Control Board), , F-2621, F-2623  - $45. ea.

Circuit Board, 'Equalizer & Mic Circuit Board'
F-2620 with transistors; 2SA726, 2SC1313, 2SC1634, Inline package; BA312, and balance of capacitors, diodes and resistors.
(less Switches) - $45.

 Circuit Board, F-2626
(w/ Sanyo D315 F and Sanyo D314E original / OEM Transistors)  - $45. 

Circuit Board, FM Muting Circuit board F-2615
(see also 7070 & 8080) -  SOLD

 Circuit Board, F-2625 Power Supply Circuit board
(less relay and large filter caps) - $65. SOLD 5/20

Circuit Board,
F-2614 (
tuning circuit board with variable tuning capacitor, but less string wheel and w/ chips Hitachi HA1137 FM IF amp + AFC chip, Hitachi HA1196 Stereo Decoder chip & Hitachi HA1197 AM tuner chip) (see also Sansui 7070, QRX-9001) - $65. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-2624 As-found / Take-out condition. To perform correctly, the board should be 're-capped' and have it's devices tested and replaced where prudent.
(Driver Board w/ NEC D381 & NEC B536) (May also work on Sansui 9090 and European 990, 9090db, 8080db, 7070, QRX-9001 and QRX-8001) - $95. SOLD  

Relay - RABK-2B - $35.

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Part / Spares

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Headphone Jack - $20.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Mic Jack - $20.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Rear input / speaker output jacks / AC outlet sections - $30. each.

Plate / Panel, Bottom Plate 
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' will likely be as much or more than the cost of the part, depending on location) - $25. (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Plate / Panel, Rear Panel (sheet metal only) - $40.
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Part / Spares

Antenna, AM stick Antenna
(less mounting bracket / ball & socket all sold separately) (Interchangeable with the 7070, 8080 & 9090 9090DB) (not interchangeable with the Sansui 5050 / 6060 'slide-in' style) - $35. SOLD

Antenna, AM antenna mounting ball socket
(Interchangeable with the 7070, 8080 & 9090 9090DB) - $25. per half SOLD OUT

Antenna, AM antenna mounting bracket / ball (antenna stick and socket sold separately) - $25.

Feet - $25. set

Fuse cap - $25.

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

[Interesting note on a recent Sansui 7070 repair / restoration we experienced. The symptoms were a loud, volume dependant 'pop' noise when most any switch was manipulated, especially the 'Loudness', the pots, made a 'swishing' sound when turned, and the tuner was very intermittent (mostly not working). All other inputs seemed to work. After a bit of investigation, we determined that it seemed to be associated with the F-2625 circuit board. When we tapped on the board with a dowel, the tuner would at times start to work. It was appearing to be most near the Relay, and we have seen corroded relay contacts cause similar symptoms. Luckily after about 15 minutes of this we discovered it was one of the screws that secured the board to the chassis, and was supposed to be soldered in place.

The solder joint had given way and the screw was slightly loose, causing all the issues. Once tightened (and re-soldered of course), the problem was solved. Just FYI.]

                                    revised 8/24/2021 

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)

(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)
 #...1992 / #2
Unit worked well, but had a bad tape monitor switch and at the time we didn't have one and started pulling a few cosmetic parts, then just chopped the entire unit.
Many of the parts such as Switches, pots, controls and knobs
MAY* also fit the Sansui 5050 / 6060 / 7070 / 8080 8080DB  / 9090 9090 DB models.

Bonnet / Case, Wood grain vinyl wrap case / cover - $65. SOLD
 (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately when available)
 (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Face panel / plate, Face panel (with plexi-glass) Some scratches to aluminum. about a 7 condition - $55. As-Is


SANSUI 7070 Receiver Parts / Spares

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Large tuning round knob (fits 6060, 7070, 8080 & 9090 models {5050 / 4040 unknown}) - $40. SOLD

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Volume round knob - $40. SOLD

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Balance Ring (7070, 8080, but not 9090 including DB versions) - $35. SOLD

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Round knobs
Tone / Treble, Bass & Balance control round knobs
21mm lower diameter x 20mm upper diameter x 18mm height (will also fit 6060, 7070, 8080 / 880 & 9090 / 990) - $35. ea. SOLD OUT

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Round
knobs, Speaker Selector / Input-Source selector.
26mm diameter x 18mm height (will also fit 6060, 7070, 880 / 880DB / 8080 / 8080DB) - $35. ea.

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Mic Level knobs - $35. ea. - SOLD OUT

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Round 'PUSH' button Switch caps
(Loudness, FM Muting, Mono, Tape Monitor, Audio Monitor, High Filter, Low Filter, Meter Calibration) (see also Sansui 990 / 990DB, 7070, 8080 / 8080DB, 9090 / 9090DB, QRX-6001, QRX-7001, QRX-8001, QRX-9001 and possibly others) - $20. ea.

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Power switch cap - $25.

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Parts / Spares

Switches / Selectors, Power Switch ALPS SDG5P TV-5
(See also Marantz 1250 & Sansui 7070. less cap) (Square shaft is 3.5mm on a side) - $35. SOLD

Switches / Selectors, Loudness or Mode Switches - $35. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Tape Play / Monitor / Selector - $45.

Switches / Selectors, Source / Input Selector Switch - $45.

Switches / Selectors, Extension shaft for Tape Play - $25. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Phono 1 / Phono 2 Selector- $35.

Switches / Selectors, Speaker Selector - $45.

Switches / Selectors, Dolby, FM mute, MPX or Meter Select switch with chrome caps - $35. ea.

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Parts / Spares

Potentiometers / Controls, Tone Pots Bass, Mid, Treble - $40. ea.

Potentiometers / Controls, Volume / Balance Control Pot #1060320
(see Sansui 881, 7070, 8080 / 8080DB / Sansui 9090 / 9090DB) - $55. SOLD

Potentiometers / Controls, Mic Level Pot Alps dual 20kΩ w/ part #1090260 / 77S. (may be interchangeable with mic level pot on 8080) - $35.

Flywheel, Dial Shaft / Flywheel / Tuning control assembly assembly w/ bushing and shaft (knob sold separately) - $55.

Pulley, Tuning string wheel - $30. 

Pointer, Dial Pointer 5416050 & 5416350 / w/ 6.3V / 75ma light bulb in 'unknown' condition
(see also 7070 & 8080) - $25.

Meters, Power meters - $55. pair on plate.

Tuning Meters or Signal meter - $35. ea.

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Parts / Spares

Transformer, Power supply Transformer 4002452  (North American 120V / 60Hz version) - $85.

Capacitors, Power Supply Filter Caps 10,000 mF & 50 Volts - $30 ea.

Amplifier Section, Power amplifier (complete) w/ heat sink - $95.
Transistors, Single Outputs
(Sanken 2SC1115 or 2SA746) - $25. ea. All work well.

Heat Sinks, There's at least two different versions of Sansui 7070 output heat sinks. 'See-Thru' and 'Closed'. These are the 'Closed' version. original / OEM Transistors NOT visible - $35.

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Parts / Spares

Circuit Board
Any single circuit board unless singled out separately
(less pots, Switches, large transformers, Relays & outputs) Examples: F-2627, F-2620 'Equalizer & Mic Circuit Board', F-2622 (Tone Control Board), , F-2621, F-2623  - $45. ea.

 Circuit Board, F-2626
(w/ Sanyo D315 F and D314E original / OEM Transistors)  - $45.

 Circuit Board, F-2625 Power Supply Circuit board
(less relay and large filter caps) - $65.

Circuit Board,
F-2614 (tuning circuit board with variable tuning capacitor, but less string wheel and w/ chips Hitachi HA1137 FM IF amp + AFC chip, Hitachi HA1196 Stereo Decoder chip & Hitachi HA1197 AM tuner chip)  (see also Sansui 7070, QRX-9001) - $65.

 Circuit Board, FM Muting Circuit board F-2615
(see also 7070 & 8080) - $45.

Circuit Board, F-2624. As-found / Take-out condition. To perform correctly, the board should be 're-capped' and have it's devices tested and replaced where prudent.
(Driver Board w/ NEC D381 & NEC B536) (May also work on Sansui 9090 and European 990, 9090db, 8080db, 7070, QRX-9001 and QRX-8001) - $95.

Relay - RABK-2B - $35.

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Part / Spares

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Headphone Jack - $20.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Mic Jack - $20.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA 'Phono 1 / Phono 2 / AUX' patch panel / bank - $45. complete section of RCA jacks

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA 'Tape / Adaptor' patch panel / bank - $45. complete section of RCA jacks

Jacks / Terminals / Connectors, Antenna binding posts - $25. complete section of connectors

Jacks / Terminals / Connectors, AC Convenience outlets - $15. ea.

Plate / Panel, Bottom Plate - $25.
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Plate / Panel, Rear Panel (sheet metal only) 
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.) - $40.

SANSUI 7070 Receiver Parts / Spares

Antenna, AM stick Antenna 4200760
(less mounting bracket / ball & socket all sold separately) (Interchangeable with the 7070, 8080, 8080DB, 9090 & 9090DB) (not interchangeable with the Sansui 5050 / 6060 'slide-in' style) - $35. SOLD

Antenna, AM antenna mounting ball socket
(Interchangeable with the 7070, 8080 & 9090 9090DB) - $25. per half

Antenna, AM antenna mounting bracket / ball (antenna stick and socket sold separately) - $25.

Antenna, AM antenna 'Storage Clip' - $15.

Feet - $25. set

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, South, left 'corner' cab, gray, lower drawer.
                                    revised 8/24/2021 

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)


Sansui_8080_Stereo_Receiver_parts_web.jpg (28576 bytes)

(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)
8080 / 880


Unit looks near NEW! Very clean.
Many of the parts such as Switches, pots, controls and knobs
MAY* also fit the Sansui 5050 / 6060 / 7070 / 8080 8080DB  / 9090 9090 DB models.

Bonnet / Case, Wood grain vinyl wrap case / cover #5726923 - $65. SOLD
 (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately when available)
 (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Face panel / plate, (with plexi-glass) #7007170 - $85. SOLD

Bottom front wood strip for Sansui 8080 / 8080DB only #5996102. Vinyl wrapped. Some finish peeling typically. Will not fit 9090 series - $20.
SOLD  (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately when available)

SANSUI 8080 / 880 Receiver Parts:

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Large tuning round knob #5318420 (fits 6060, 7070, 8080 & 9090 models {5050 / 4040 unknown}) - $40.

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Volume round knob #5318440 - $40. SOLD

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Balance Ring #5318431 (7070, 8080, but not 9090 including DB versions) - $35. SOLD

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Round knobs
Tone / Treble, Bass control round knobs #5318410 
21mm lower diameter x 20mm upper diameter x 18mm height (will also fit 6060, 7070, 8080 / 880 & 9090 / 990) - $35. ea.

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Round
knobs, Speaker Selector / Input-Source selector.
#5318380  26mm diameter x 18mm height (will also fit 6060, 7070, 880 / 880DB / 8080 / 8080DB) - $35. ea.

Knobs / Buttons / Caps, Dolby Play Cal, Rec Level & Mic Level knobs #5318340 - $35. ea. - SOLD OUT

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Round 'PUSH' button Switch caps
(Loudness, FM Muting, Mono, Tape Monitor, Audio Monitor, High Filter, Low Filter, Meter Calibration) (see also Sansui 990 / 990DB, 7070, 8080 / 8080DB, 9090 / 9090DB, QRX-6001, QRX-7001, QRX-8001, QRX-9001 and possibly others) - $25. ea.
(Whoa, Why so many $$$$ for just a "stupid, little plastic button"? The elevated price is due to the difficulty to remove 'intact' as Sansui epoxied these on to the switch shafts and low success rate in removal from HIGH likely-hood of injury (to us) or breakage of nylon switch shaft or cap)


Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Toggle switch caps #5326550 
(Treble Defeat / Bass Defeat) (see also Sansui 990 / 990DB, 8080 / 8080DB, 9090 / 9090DB, QRX-8001, QRX-9001 and possibly others) - $25. ea.

SANSUI 8080 / 880 Receiver Parts:

Switches / Selectors, Power Switch #1131190 - SOLD

Switches / Selectors, Speaker Selector switch #1102650 (MAY also work on 9090 / 990 / 990db / 9090db. 2 wafers / 12 pins per wafer) - $55. SOLD OUT

Switches / Selectors, Loudness or Mode Switches #1171120 - $35. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Tape Play / Monitor Switch - $55. SOLD

Switches / Selectors, Source Selector Switch - $65. SOLD

Switches / Selectors, Extension shafts for Tape Play and Source Selector Switches - $25. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Dolby, FM mute, MPX or Meter Select switch with chrome caps -

Switches / Selectors, Audio Mute, Low Filer, and High Filter switches with chrome caps - $35.

SANSUI 8080 / 880 Receiver Parts:

Potentiometers / Controls, Bass Potentiometer / control
NOBLE 100K BX2 / #1010930.1 - $40. ea.

Potentiometers / Controls, Midrange Potentiometer / control
NOBLE 100K BX2 / #1010930.1 - $40. ea.

Potentiometers / Controls, Treble Potentiometer / control
NOBLE 100K BX2 / #1010930.1 - $40. ea.

Potentiometers / Controls, Volume / Balance Control #1060320
 (ALPS 'Stacked' 250K on board F-2693) (see Sansui 881, 7070, 8080 / 8080DB / Sansui 9090 / 9090DB) -  $75. SOLD

Potentiometers / Controls, Mic Level Pot part #1090260 / 77S. (is NOT interchangeable with mic level pot on 7070 as that unit requires a dual layer pot)- $35.

Flywheel, Dial Shaft / Flywheel / Tuning Unit control assembly
w/ bushing and shaft #7036451 (knob sold separately) - $55.

Pointer, Dial Pointer 5416050 & 5416350 / w/ 6.3V / 75ma light bulb in 'unknown' condition
(see also 7070 & 8080) - $25.

, 8080
Power VU meters #4300920 (should also work in 9090 according to the service manual with same part number for both) - $90. pair. still mounted to metal mounting plate with circuit boards still intact.

Meters, 'Signal' meter 4300740 & 'Tuning' meter 4300750
(see also Sansui 8080, 8080DB, 9090 & 9090DB) - $55. pair

SANSUI 8080 / 880 Receiver Parts:

Transformer, Power supply Transformer #4002350 - $85.

Capacitors, Power Supply Filter Caps, Nichicon 6800 MFD / 63 WV, #0559515 Single Element, 80mm tall x 40mm diameter - $30 ea. SOLD

Amplifier, Power amplifier (complete) - $95. HOLD FOR SHOP USE AND RE-ASSES

Heat Sinks, Rear (NOT interchangeable with the 9090 / 9090db) - $35. 1 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, Any single circuit board unless listed separately, (less pots, Switches, large transformers, outputs)  - $65.

Circuit Board, F-2436 (Driver Board #F-2436 - SOLD

Circuit Board, F-2541 "Equalizer" circuit board w/ BA312 In-line packages
and w/ balance of capacitors, resistors and coils (less rotary switches which are sold separately)- $45.

Circuit Board, F-2545 "Filter-Muting" circuit board
w/ balance of capacitors & resistors (less switches which are sold separately) - $45.

Circuit Board, F-2546 Power supply protector circuit board w/ Sanyo D313E voltage regulator and (see also Sansui 8080 & 9090 non-'DB' version) - $65. SOLD

Circuit Board, F-2548 Red / Green LED on circuit board. If your Sansui Power indicator LED flashes, but flashes 'Red' doesn't go 'Green', or goes 'Green' and doesn't flash 'Red', and you've checked for proper voltage, then you may need this. (see also Sansui 8080 / 9090 'non-DB') - $35.

Circuit Board, F-2549 FM Muting Circuit board F-2549 AM / FM Tuner Circuit board - SOLD

Circuit Board, F-2615 FM Muting Circuit board
(see also 7070 & 8080) -  SOLD

Circuit Boards, F-2619 / F2619 Tuner Power supply / RF Circuit board w/ transistors; Sanyo 2SD313, 2SC1211, 2SC1364, and
w/ balance of capacitors, resistors, pc mounted pots. (See also Sansui 8080 and 9090) - $35. SOLD ???

Relay -
RABK-4B - $35. SOLD

 SANSUI 8080 / 880 Receiver Parts:

Jacks / Terminals / Connectors, Pre-Out / Main-In / Adaptor jack set - $30. as a complete plate. - SOLD

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
, 2430200
Headphone Jack - $20.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Mic Jack - $20.

Plate / Panel, Bottom Plate
(See also, 8080 / 8080DB, 890 / 890DB, 9090 / 9090DB, 990 / 990DB) (just FYI, 'pack / ship' will likely be as much or more than the cost of the part, depending on location) - $30. SOLD

Antenna, AM stick Antenna 4200760
(less mounting bracket / ball & socket all sold separately) (Interchangeable with the 7070, 8080, 8080DB, 9090 & 9090DB) - $45. SOLD

Antenna, AM antenna mounting ball socket
(Interchangeable with the 7070, 8080 & 9090 9090DB) - $25. per half SOLD OUT

Antenna, AM antenna mounting bracket / ball (antenna stick and socket sold separately) - $25.

Feet set of 4
(See also, 8080, 9090, G-871DB, G-8000, G-9000) 40mm lower diameter x 35mm upper diameter x 20mm height - $45. for set or $18. ea. SOLD OUT?

Fuse cap - $25.

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

LOCATION: PB, S Wall, 6th Cab, Black, 3rd drawer. - Revised 8/24/2021 

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)

Sansui_9090DB_Stereo_Receiver_3_Web.JPG (60309 bytes)     Sansui_9090DB_Stereo_Receiver_CBS_collage.JPG (211837 bytes) 

    Sansui_9090_Stereo_Receiver_rear_collage.jpg (159841 bytes)     Sansui_9090DB_Stereo_Receiver_Interior_shots_CBS_collage.JPG (209098 bytes)

(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)

SANSUI 9090 / 9090DB / 990 / 990DB RECEIVER PARTS / SPARES
Unit #1 works great, however the tuner quit tuning and making any signal. All other inputs work great as does Pre & Power amp. Unit good cosmetically. Face, case, rear panel and face  in great condition. Knobs all look new.

Unit #2 worked great producing 35 Volts @ 8 Ohms for and 31 Volts @ 4 Ohms for Watts per channel. It's problem was that when you changed a source or flipped a tape monitor switch it would "pop" violently through the outputs and sometimes put the unit into it's "protect" mode.

Many of the parts such as controls, pots, Switches and knobs
MAY* also fit Sansui 5050 / 6060 / 7070 / 8080 8080DB  / 9090 9090 DB models.

What are the differences between Sansui 9090 vs Sansui 9090DB.  Here are the differences we are aware of:
- Sansui 9090DB has 2 / dual phono inputs
- Sansui 9090DB features 'built-in Dolby
- Sansui 9090DB has a 400Hz, Audio Sine Wave / Tone generator as a function of the Dolby circuit
- 9090 has a 'loop' on the rear for external Dolby or 4-Channel Decoder / adaptor
- 9090 has a more versatile 'Tape Monitor' section for routing / copying (although there are 'work-arounds' if you have the 'db' version)
- 9090 'Tape Monitor' is controlled via a 'rotating / wafer' switch (yes, one of the one's that are a 'service nightmare', just like the 'Function Selector' on both versions, and the 'Dolby' selector on the DB version)
- 9090DB 'Tape Monitor' is controlled via 'Push' Switches
- 9090DB features 'dual / two' 'Pre-Amp' outs (handy for feeding a separate audio system or additional power amp)
- On the 'right end' of either units, some of the 'furniture' (Switches / controls) are 'moved around' and / or utilize different types of Switches
(ie; toggles vs push button, rotating vs toggles, etc)

Bonnet, Wood case cover  (good but wear on top from stacked gear) - $65.  
SOLD (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately when available)  (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Panel / Plate, Face panel / Face Plate / Front Plate with glass (glass has cracks radiating from tuning shaft hole, but 'holding together' and not too offensive) (less knobs / buttons / wood end caps.) - $95. w/ Glass issue

Trim, Bottom front wood strip for Sansui 9090 / 9090DB only. Real wood veneer. Will not fit 8080 - $35.
 SOLD (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately when available)

Panel, Top metal ventilation panel - $45.

Pointer / Indicator, Dial Pointer assembly w/ original bulb (functionality of original light bulb not implied or guaranteed) - $40.

SANSUI 9090 / 9090DB / 990 / 990DB RECEIVER PARTS / SPARES

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tuning knob (will also fit 6060, 7070, 8080 / 880 & 9090 / 990) - $40. 2

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers
Volume knob (will also fit 6060, 7070, 8080 / 880 & 9090 / 990) - $40. 2 IN STOCK

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers
Balance Ring (only fits 9090 and NOT 7070 or 8080) - $25. 1 IN STOCK

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Dolby Play Cal, Rec Level & Mic Level knobs - $25. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Tone / Treble, Bass & Balance control round knobs (will also fit 6060, 7070, 8080 / 880 & 9090 / 990) - $30. ea. 3-4 IN STOCK

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Round 'PUSH' button Switch caps
(Loudness, FM Muting, Mono, Tape Monitor, Audio Monitor, High Filter, Low Filter, Meter Calibration) (see also Sansui 990 / 990DB, 7070, 8080 / 8080DB, 9090 / 9090DB, QRX-6001, QRX-7001, QRX-8001, QRX-9001 and possibly others) - $25. ea. 8-10 remaining in stock (difficult to remove)
(Whoa, Why so many $$$$ for just a "stupid, little plastic button"? The elevated price is due to the difficulty to remove 'intact' as Sansui epoxied these on to the switch shafts and low success rate in removal from HIGH likely-hood of injury (to us) or breakage of nylon switch shaft or cap)

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Toggle switch caps 
(Treble Defeat / Bass Defeat) (see also Sansui 990 / 990DB, 8080 / 8080DB, 9090 / 9090DB, QRX-8001, QRX-9001 and possibly others) - $25. ea. 2 IN STOCK

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, 'Dolby Selector' knob - $35. ea

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Power Switch cap (Rectangular shape, not round. With 'Red' rectangle in center. Will also fit the 7070, but not the 8080) - $30. ea. 1 remaining

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Input Selector knob / Speaker
Selector knob (990 / 9090 / 990DB / 9090DB ONLY) - $35. ea

Shaft, Input / Source Selector extension shaft w/ gray nylon coupler - $35.

Potentiometer / control Pot,
Volume / Balance Control #1060320  (ALPS 'Stacked' 250K on board F-2693) (see Sansui 881, 7070, 8080 / 8080DB / Sansui 9090 / 9090DB) - $95. SOLD

Potentiometer / control Pot
Tone pots (Bass, Mid or Treble) Noble 1010931 1KBP 100x2 Ohms - $45. ea.

Potentiometer / control Pot, Microphone Pot 1005290 - $35.

Potentiometer / control Pot, Play Calibration ALPS 500Kx2 Ohms
- $35.

Potentiometer / control Pot, Record Level Calibration ALPS 500Kx4 Ohms
- $40.

Switches / Selectors
1131190 Power Switch, with 'clamping / in-rush' capacitor attached - $65.

Switches / Selectors
Speaker Selector Switch (should also work on 8080 / 880 / 880db / 8080db. 4 wafers / 12 pins per wafer) - $75.

Switches / Selectors
Source / Input Selector Switch on circuit board F-2653 (DB version ONLY with 2 Phonos) with inline packages; BA312 and balance of resistors and capacitors (The contacts will need to be cleaned prior to installation. It is also recommended that you modify the board to do a 'dial light bypass', so that the current of the dial lamps do not run thru this switch. This modification allows the lamps to be on regardless of the source selected) - $75. SOLD ('as-is' / may work without cleaning, but always plan on burnishing the contacts on these.)

Switches / Selectors, Dolby Switch / Selector (mounted to it's circuit board F-2655) with Dolby IC chips; NE545B7716, Transistors; 2SC945, and w/ balance of capacitors, resistors, pc mounted pots. - $75.
SOLD ('as-is' / may work without cleaning, but always plan on burnishing the contacts on these.)

Switches / Selectors, Push-Switches, 6-Pin 'Low Filter', 'High Filter' and 'Audio Muting' - $35. ea.

Switches / Selectors, 1171220 Tone ' Treble De-Feat / Selector' toggle switch - $35.

Switches / Selectors, 1171240 Tone ' Bass De-Feat / Selector' toggle switch - $40.

Switches / Selectors, Push-Switches, 6-Pin 'Loudness', or 'Stereo / Mono' - $35. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Push-Switches, 14-Pin 'Tape-2' - $40. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Push-Switches, 18-Pin 'Tape-1' - $40. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Push-Switches, 24-Pin 'Meter' - $45. ea.

SANSUI 9090 / 9090DB / 990 / 990DB RECEIVER PARTS / SPARES

Meter, VU Tuning meter - $45. 1 just back in stock

VU Signal meter - $45.

, 9090
Power VU meters #4300920 (should also work in 8080) -
$90. pair. still mounted to metal mounting plate with circuit boards still intact.

Meter, 9090DB Power VU meters #4301010 (should also work in 8080DB) - $90.
pair. still mounted to metal mounting plate with circuit boards still intact.

Circuit Boards, F-2544 Tone control Circuit board
with transistors; 2SC1313, inline packages; BA312 and w/ balance of capacitors, resistors. (less toggle Switches and pots which are sold separately) - $45. 2 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-2545 (9090 NOT 9090DB) "Filter-Muting" circuit board w/ balance of capacitors & resistors (less switches which are sold separately) - $45. SOLD OR MIA?

Circuit Boards, F-2549 / F2549 FM / AM Tuner Circuit board w/ transistors; 2SA562, 2SA628, 2SC711, 2SC738, 2SC1312, 2SC1636, w/ IC Chips; Hitachi HA1197, HA1966, NEC UPC555H & BL-12 inductor, adjustable ferrite transformers including 0910310, and all other component level parts - $65. SOLD 1/4/23

Circuit Boards, F-2617 / F2617 Microphone Pre-amp Circuit board (less mic jack which is sold separately) w/ transistors; 2SC1313, inline package; BA312 and
w/ balance of capacitors, resistors. (less mic jack which is sold separately) - $35.  2 IN STOCK

Circuit Boards, F-2619 / F2619 Tuner Power supply / RF Circuit board w/ transistors; Sanyo 2SD313, 2SC1211, 2SC1364, and
w/ balance of capacitors, resistors, pc mounted pots. (See also Sansui 8080 and 9090) - $45. 2 IN STOCK

Circuit Boards, F-2623 Switch Circuit board w/ balance of capacitors, resistors, pc mounted pots, connectors. (less Switches which are all sold separately) - $35. 2 IN STOCK

Circuit Boards
Output-Pre-Driver Board F-2624
As-found / Take-out condition. To perform correctly, the board should be 're-capped' and have it's devices tested and replaced where prudent. (May also work on Sansui 9090 and European 990, 9090db, 8080db, 7070, QRX-9001 and QRX-8001)  - $95. SOLD

Circuit Boards, F-2653 Selector Switch on circuit board (SEE LISTING FOR 'SELECTOR SWITCH' ABOVE

Circuit Boards, F-2654 Switch Circuit board all 6 'Push Switches' intact and balance of capacitors, resistors, pc mounted pots, connectors.
(less Switches which are all sold separately) - $165. 1 REMAINING IN STOCK

Circuit Boards
F-2655 Dolby Selector / Circuit board w/ transistors; 2SC945, IC's; DOLBY NE545B and balance of resistors, capacitors, diodes, pc pots. - (See listing above under "Dolby Switch / Selector")

Circuit Boards, Power Rectifier board Sansui F-2656
(fits Sansui 'DB' versions ONLY ie; 890DB / 8080DB & 990DB / 9090DB) w/ Sanyo 2SC1024E, 2SC1509, 2SC1211, 2SA777 original / OEM Transistors, SS-5 & SS5R Rectifier modules / diodes, and balance of attached components. - $75.
SOLD 6/1/20

Circuit Boards, F-2657 Relay Circuit board
(less relay, sold separately) with transistors; 2SC711, 2SC945,  5W / 220Ohm resistors, w/ balance of capacitors, resistors, pc mounted pots, connectors. (less RELAY which is sold separately) - $35. 3 IN STOCK

Circuit Board, F-2695 Red / Green 'Protection' LED on circuit board. If your Sansui 9090DB Power indicator LED flashes, but flashes 'Red' doesn't go 'Green', or goes 'Green' and doesn't flash 'Red', and you've checked for proper voltage, then you may need this.
(See also Sansui 8080DB / 9090DB) - $35.

SANSUI 9090 / 9090DB / 990 / 990DB RECEIVER PARTS / SPARES

Transformer, Power supply Transformer Part # 4002530 / 7JBE11 (version that has the World Ac Power capability in that it will work with any voltage and comes with voltage change selector jack and plug) Works and looks great! - $145. SOLD 7/27/20

Capacitors, Filter Caps Elna 80V 12,000mf - $30. ea. 4 IN STOCK

Transistors, Power amplifier outputs Toshiba 2SD424 or 2SB554 (call or email for complete assemblies) - $30. ea. transistor
(follows our 20% posted discount for quantity also) ONLY 3x 2SD424 (1x in "transistor" drawer) and 3x 2SB554 REMAINING IN STOCK

Heat Sinks, Rear (NOT interchangeable with the 8080 / 8080db) - $45.

Relay, ( Omron Type M Y 3 - 02-AU-Y96  24 V DC
(see 8080DB and 9090DB) (located on F-2657 circuit board) - $35.

Light Housing, White function light housing - $45.

Wheel, Tuning string drum wheel, black plastic w/ string lock screws - $35. ea. 3 IN STOCK

Dial Shaft / Flywheel / Tuning control assembly w/ bushing and shaft (knob sold separately) - $35. 2 IN STOCK

Tuning capacitor
Tuning Capacitor on Sansui F-1519 circuit board w/ shielding - $45.

SANSUI 9090 / 9090DB / 990 / 990DB RECEIVER PARTS / SPARES

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
Any single rear panel RCA jack section component - $30. ea. 

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
Speaker output clips (sections for A, B or C speaker output jacks) - $30. ea. section
 (Interchangeable with the 9090 & 9090DB)   A FEW IN STOCK

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
, Headphone jacks
- $25. ea. 4 IN STOCK

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
, Mic / Microphone jack
- $25. ea. 2 IN STOCK

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
, AC convenience outlets
- $25. ea.  A FEW IN STOCK

Jumpers, Pre-Out / Main-In 'U' Shorting Jumpers
(See also, 8080, 9090, G-871DB, G-8000, G-9000, 9090 & 9090DB)- $20. ea. SOLD OUT?

Antenna, Binding post / terminals section - $25. 2 IN STOCK

, AM stick Antenna 4200760
(less mounting bracket / ball & socket all sold separately) (Interchangeable with the 7070, 8080, 8080DB, 9090 & 9090DB) - $45. (in 9090db drawer) SOLD

, AM antenna mounting ball socket
(Interchangeable with the 7070, 8080 & 9090 9090DB) - $35. per half (1 (one) half remaining in stock)

, AM antenna mounting bracket / ball (antenna stick and socket sold separately) - $35.
(in 9090db drawer)

Antenna, AM 'stick' antenna 'retention' bracket / clip - $25. (Interchangeable with the 9090 & 9090DB) 2 IN STOCK

Rear panel (sheet metal only, less components) - $45.  2 IN STOCK

Voltage Selector cover,
Plastic cover w/ silkscreened label - $25.

Voltage Selector, Jack,
(see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A and may also fit Stax DA-80M Mono-block amplifier) - $35.

Voltage Selector insert plug / pins,
 - $35.

cap / insert cap / fuse CAP ONLY - $30.  2 IN STOCK
Fuse holder 'assembly'
 WITH fuse CAP insert - $35.  2 IN STOCK

set of 4
(See also, 8080, 9090, G-871DB, G-8000, G-9000)  40mm lower diameter x 35mm upper diameter x 20mm height - $20. ea. (3 remaining in stock currently)

Plate / Panel
Bottom Plate
(See also, 8080 / 8080DB, 890 / 890DB, 9090 / 9090DB, 990 / 990DB) (just FYI, 'pack / ship' will likely be as much or more than the cost of the part, depending on location) - $45. SOLD (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Original AC cord and grommet - SOLD

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

9090DB LOCATION: PB, South, left 'corner' cab, gray, lowest drawer. - Revised 1/4/2023

9090 (NON-DB) LOCATION: PB, S Wall, 6th Cab, Black, 4th / bottom drawer. - Revised 8/24/2021

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)


(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)

SANSUI EIGHT / 8, QR-4500, QR-6500, QRX-1500, QRX-3500, QRX-4500, QRX-5500, QRX-6500, QRX-7500

for sale
Replacement AC power cord for Sansui Model 8 and QRX series Receivers and some other vintage Sansui audio components / electronic units such as the Sansui SD-5000 Reel to Reel.


Domestic US Customers International Customers



Limited availability.


(800) 806-4231
- Press Option '2' for 'SALES' to order -


Orders for this product taken by Phone vs via the "Buy Now" button will incur a $5.00 surcharge.

(Should fit Sansui
Eight / 8, QR-4500, QR-6500, QRX-1500, QRX-3500, QRX-4500, QRX-5500, QRX-6500, QRX-7500 and any other "round" prong receptacle Sansui products from that time period.)











Sansui_G-4500_Stereo_Receiver_Sal_web.jpg (28056 bytes)  

  Sansui_G-4500_Stereo_Receiver_Sal_collage.jpg (101795 bytes)

(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)

SOLD 2/26/14

Will make a very nice receiver from a performance standpoint. We are offering it on the "Salvage-Units" page as the dial lamplifier circuit needs repair. Probably a reasonable easy fix, but we don't have a service manual or the resources to spend more time on it. It's in "as-found" condition, but does have a very strong tuner on both Antenna, AM  and FM bands. Also has a "quick-off-the-line" pre-amplifier volume control with lots of "punch" and headroom. Both amplifier sides produce 22 Volts per channel @ 8 Ohms for 60 wpc and 18 Volts per channel @ 4 Ohms for 81 Watts per channel. Overall will look and perform great! No missing parts or knobs and case in very good condition. Again a good candidate for restoration! 120VAC / 60Hz AC power Requirements. Measures 17" wide x 14" deep x 6" high.
Sansui G-4500
$99. Complete
SOLD 2/26/14


(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)

Many of the parts such as Switches, pots, controls and knobs
MAY* also fit the Sansui G-5700 / G-6700 / G-7700 / G-8700 / G-9700 models. Unit sounded strong and great, but had an issue with the tuner readout being locked on one frequency.

 Panel, Face panel (good, very minor scuffs on bottom edge and top edge)- $75. 

Case / Bonnet / Cover, Vinyl, wood grained wrap. (Fits G-6700 and G-7700) - SOLD / MIA (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Large tuning round knob - $35. SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Large volume round knob - $35.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Small round knobs - $25. each SOLD OUT

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Mic knob - $18. SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Switch caps ~3mm x 5mm - $20. each


Transformer, Power supply Transformer ( # 4003090 )- $75. SOLD

Capacitors, Power supply filter caps - $25. ea.

Circuit Boards, F-2890 Power supply protector circuit board F-3060 - $65. MIA? / SOLD?

Circuit Boards, F-2855 Tone Control
circuit board (less headphone jack, pots & switches) - $45.
(See also G-701, G-6000, G-7000, G-7700)

Circuit Boards, Power Supply / Driver board F-2980 - $45. SOLD

Circuit Boards, Speaker Selector / Filter Circuit Board
(erroneously listed in service manual for G-6000 & G-7000 as a "Tape Monitor" cb) F-2860 (see also Sansui G-701, G-6000, G-6700, G-7000 & G-7700) - SOLD

Circuit Boards, Power Indicator / Meter Circuit Board F-3059

Circuit Boards, Tuning Circuit Board - SOLD

Circuit Boards, FM Muting, Tape Monitor switching, Mode switching Circuit Board F-2853, less switches
(see also Sansui G-701, G-6000, G-6700, G-7000 & G-7700) - $65.

Circuit Boards, FM Muting / switch Circuit Board F-2854 not including push switches
(see also Sansui G-701, G-6000, G-5700, G-6700, G-7000 & G-7700) - $55.

Circuit Boards, Mic amp / Dolby switch Circuit Board F-2857 not including pots, jack or switches (see also Sansui G-6000, G-6700, G-7000 & G-7700) - $45.

Display / Readout screen, Tuning Digital Display - SOLD

Pointer / Dial indicator / needle, Tuning Dial pointer - SOLD

Circuit Boards, Green Protection LED on circuit board F-3067 - SOLD

String wheel / Pulley, Tuning string wheel / pulley (plastic) - $35. SOLD

Circuit Boards, Power amplifier (complete on circuit board F-3058, with 2x 2SA1106N 2x 2SC2581N & output original / OEM Transistors) - $45 per side. SOLD OUT


Control Potentiometer, Balance Pot #1015341 on F-2878 circuit board
(will not work in G-8700 / 871) - $30. SOLD

Control Potentiometer
, Bass or Treble potentiometer / control #1015360 / 2x 100k
(See also G-701, G-6000, G-7000, G-7700, G-8700, 8700DB) - $40. ea.

Control Potentiometer, Volume #1011160 on F-2879 circuit board - $45.

Switches / Selectors, Input / Function Selector switch (ALPS 1190710 / 912 K) May work in 7700D, 8700, 8700DB, 871 and 871DB) - $65.

Switches / Selectors, Power Switch (partially broken shaft, switch still works) - as-is $25.


Antenna, AM antenna (stick only, less bracket) - $20. SOLD

, AM antenna bracket - $30.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Speaker output jack strips A or B - $25. ea. SOLD OUT

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
, Headphone Jack - $30.

Plate / Bottom Cover, bottom sheet metal plate. (Fits G-6700 and G-7700) 
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)  - SOLD / MIA

Feet set of 4 - $25. or $12. ea. SOLD OUT

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, West Side, 2nd set of cabs, 1st 'tan' cab, 2nd drawer. -                                     revised 3/18/19 

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)


(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)


Huge early 80's receiver. Weighs about 60lbs and is almost 2 feet wide! Power amplifier produces 40 Volts per channel or 200 Watts per channel at 8 Ohms. Unfortunately this one has no radio output to the amplifier & selector switch sheered.
Many of the parts such as Switches, pots, controls and knobs
MAY* also fit the Sansui G-801, 801DB, G-901, 901DB, G-9000, G-22000 & G-33000 models.

Sansui G-8000 / G8000 PARTS / SPARES

Wood case cover (less plastic vent) - $155.  
(Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately when available) Plastic top rear vent - $35. SOLD
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Face panel / face plate / front cover Good condition with a few tics / nics on the face, some striations on the horizontal, top edge, and some scuffing on the bottom, horizontal surface. Dial window has no issues. We would use on a unit with a final grade of 8.0-8.5. - $165.


Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Large tuning round knob (scuffed) - $35. SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers,
Large volume round knob (scuffed) - SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Large knob back bezel / trim - $35. ea. SOLD / MIA?

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Small round knobs  
(Bass, Mid, Treble, Selector, Tape monitor) - $25. each SOLD OUT

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Balance knob
 - $25. each SOLD

Knobs, Mic knob -  $25. SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Toggle Switch Caps - $30. each (2 remaining in stock) SOLD OUT / MIA?

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, 'Square' Push Switch Caps - $30. each (4 remaining in stock)

Control PotentiometerVolume pot - $95. SOLD

Control Potentiometer, Tone pots Treble, Mid, Bass
(Part #1015200 / 100kΩBX2) - $65. ea..

Control Potentiometer, Control Pot Balance
#1015340 2x 250k (also fits the G-8700 / G-871) - $65. SOLD

Sansui G-8000 / G8000 PARTS / SPARES

Switches / Selectors, Rotary Tape Monitor  - SOLD

Switches / Selectors, Rotary Selector  - $55. - SOLD
Switches / Selectors, Toggle (ex; Speaker A-B, Tone / Treble / Mid / Bass 1015200 / 100kΩBX2) - $45. ea. SOLD??

Switches / Selectors, Toggle 1171780, 8-Pin "Dolby FM"
(also fits the G-8000, G-9000, G-22000 & G-33000) - $45. ea.

Switches / Selectors, Toggle 1171800, 14-Pin "Mode"
(also fits the G-8000, G-9000, G-22000 & G-33000) - $45. ea. 1 Remaining in stock

Switches / Selectors, Power Toggle switch - $45. ea SOLD??

Switches / Selectors,  Preamplifier / Power amplifier coupling circuit F-2804 board w/ switch and RCA jacks - $45. ea SOLD

Meters, 'Tuning' meter - $55. ea.

Meters, 'Signal Strength' meter - $55. ea.

Meters, Power meters (power meters range from 0-300 Watts) - $65. ea.

Flywheel, Dial Shaft / Flywheel / Tuning control assembly w/ bushing and shaft (knob sold separately) - $65.

Pointer / Needle / Indicator, Dial pointer #7116040 (
also fits the Sansui G-801, G-8000, 801DB, G-901, 901DB, G-9000, {NOT the same part number for Sansui G-22000 & G-33000} models.) - $40.

Transformer, Power supply Transformer 4002750 8.7 - $250. MIA / SOLD?

Transformer, Power supply Transformer World / Multi Voltage / Current version

(with voltage selector jack assembly and fuse holder, but less Multi-Voltage Selector plug, Sold Separately) - $250. SOLD

Switch,  Multi-Voltage Power Selector Plug     (fits Sansui 990DB, 7070, 8080, 8080DB,9090,9090DB, G-8000, G-9000. Also fits Harman Kardon / Rabco ST-7 / ST-8 turntables and possibly others) - $35.

Capacitors, Power supply filter caps, Elna 80V / 12,000 uf - $55. (for both sides)

Sansui G-8000 / G8000 PARTS / SPARES

Power amplifier (complete while parts last) - $165.

Transistors, Single outputs (original / OEM Sanken 2SC1403B or 2SA745B ) - $25. ea.  but follows our discount for quantity

Tuning Capacitor, Tuning Capacitor on circuit board #F-2714 W/ sheet metal housing - $95.

Circuit Board, Power supply protector circuit board F-2809
(This board is used in both the G-8000 & G-9000)- $145. MIA? OR SOLD?

Circuit Board, F-2795 Mic Amp Circuit Board
with transistors; 2SA872, 2SC1775 and balance of capacitors, diodes, resistors as well connectors. (less wafer / selector Switches, and toggle switch which are all sold separately) (see also Sansui G-801  G-8000, G-901 / G-9000) - $65.

Circuit Board,  
F-2806 Driver board, etc. (less pots, Switches, large transformers, outputs)  SOLD

Circuit Board, Driver Connection circuit board F-2814 (This board is used in both the G-8000 & G-9000)- $35.

Sansui G-8000 / G8000 PARTS / SPARES

Lamp Housing / light Diffusion, White, metal housing, with light diffusion acrylic installed with black, push pins. 14cm overall length (fits G-8000. May also fit G-7000, G-9000, G-22000 and G-33000?) - $35. ea.

Rear Panel I/O's, Any Rear panel patch section, RCA's etc - $35. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Speaker terminals / connectors / clip sections - $35. ea. SOLD OUT

Plate / Panel, Bottom Plate 20 1/2" X 15 7/8" - $65.
 (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Aluminum lower side trim (Fit G-8000 & G-9000) - $30 ea. SOLD OUT

Service Bumpers, Rear plastic Bumpers / Back stand (Fit G-8000 not G-9000) - $35. ea.

Heat sinks - $45. ea. side, (front and back together)

Feet set of 5
(See also, 8080, 9090, G-871DB, G-8000, G-9000) - $55. for set $18. ea. SOLD OUT?

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, South, 5th cab / gray, 3rd & 4th drawer -                                     revised 7/2/20


  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)






Sansui_R-30_Stereo_Receiver_Parts_web.jpg (26939 bytes)

(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)

Power amplifier produces 20 Volts on the left or 50 Watts per channel at 8 Ohms. Unfortunately this one has a bit of DC surge when powered, and a "cranky" noise on the right side up so we are just going to go ahead and part it out..
Many of the parts such as Switches, pots, controls and knobs
MAY* also fit the Sansui R-30, R-50 & R-70 models.

Metal top panel - $25.
 (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately when available)
 (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Side Panels - $20. ea.
 (Cases, covers and side plate / panels, etc. do not include mounting screws as those are sold separately when available)

Face panel with dial window- $45.

Large tuning round knob - $30.

Other round knobs - $25. each

Switch caps - $18. each

Power supply Transformer - $45.

Power supply filters - $95. (for both sides)

Power supply protector circuit board - $45.

Power amplifier (complete) - $55.

Any single circuit board (less pots, Switches, large transformers, outputs)  - $45.

Any pot, switch, input / output single panel section - $30.

Ganged controls - Additional $15. ea.

Bottom Plate - $20.
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)
Feet set of 4 - $25. or $12. ea.

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

                                    revised 1/2/2023


  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)


NEW LISTING 3/13/2020

(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)  

Some parts MAY also fit the Sansui SIX / 6, and Eight / 8 receivers as well as QR-4500, QRX-4500, QR-6500 & QRX-7500 and possibly others).
Bonnet / Case / Cover / Cabinet, Walnut veneer. Good 'structural' condition, but a few battle scars / chips. (inside dimensions; 20" wide x 6 1/8" tall (at front edge) x 14.25" deep. Bolt hole centers are 8.25" apart. With wood vents all intact with no breaks. - $95. 
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Panel, Front / Face panel / aluminum,
with Black plastic w/ smoked glass / plexi dial window. VERY CLEAN condition, Really nothing derogatory to mention. No cracks, dings, dents, scuffs, scratches, chips or anything
. (dial glass / window and bezel sold separately) - $95.

Panel, ‘Tuning scale’, Black 'smoked' plastic dial / scale with 'back-lit' 'Green' numerals / scale and 'Indicator' labels
- $35.

Meter, ‘Tuning Signal Strength’ Meter #4300610
(see; Sansui QRX-4500, QRX-6500& QRX-7500) - $45.

Meter, ‘Tuning 'Center’ Meter #4300600
(see; Sansui QRX-6500 & QRX-7500)- $45.

Pointer / indicator, Tuning ‘Dial Pointer’ - $30.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Tuning’ knob w/ black, anodized apron. 21.6mm tall x ~25.4mm top diameter x 31.7mm bottom apron diameter - $45. ea. SOLD

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers,Volume’ knob. 19.5mm tall x ~28.5mm diameter - $35. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers,Tone’ knobs / concentric / stacked pair. 14mm tall x ~19.5mm diameter for outer knob and 22.5mm diameter x 5.5mm height (aluminum portion) - $35. ea. concentric pair

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers,Synthesizer Decoder’ knob apron. 20mm tall x 19.4mm top diameter with 10mm wide at 'flat' area x 24mm bottom apron diameter - $40. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Speakers’ Selector
19.5mm tall x ~20mm diameter - $35. ea. 1X REMAINING

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers. ‘Balance knob / Fader caps 12.2mm tall x 12mm x 8.2mm
– $25. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Power’ button / cap /
knob with black, plastic apron. 19.5mm tall x 11mm top diameter with 20mm apron diameter with spring - $35. SOLD 2/1/2022 TO BRANDON

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers,
‘Low Filter’, ‘Hi Filter’, Loudness Front / Rear, ‘Tape Monitor’, and 'FM Muting' buttons / caps (see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500, but NOT QRX-7500) - $20. ea.

String Wheel, Plastic String Tuning Wheel for AM Variable capacitor - $35.

String Wheel, Plastic String Tuning Wheel for FM Front-end Variable capacitor - $35.

Fly Wheel assembly,
Tuning Flywheel assembly (less knob which is sold separately) (need photo) - $45.

Panel, ‘Dial Illuminator / Function / Input indicator box’ w/ ‘fuse lamp’ sockets, F-1374 (included lamps / bulbs may or may not work) - $35.


Potentiometer / Control, ‘Volume’ control pot, ALPS 250K Ohms BX4 / #1060120
(see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) -
$65. SOLD

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Main Front / Rear Balance’ control pot, ALPS 250K M, N / #1040110 - $75.

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Front or Rear Left-Right Balance’ control pot, ALPS 250K M, N / #1040090  
(see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) - $65. ea. 1 Remaining in stock

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Treble / Bass / Front / Rear Tone control, 100k Ohm x2, #1060040
- $55. ea.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Input Selector’ Rotary / 2-Wafer / 84-Terminal switch Noble / Teikoku Tsushin switch, #1170100
(will NOT fit the Sansui QRX-4500) - $65.

Switches / Selectors, Front Speaker’, Rotary / 2-Wafer / 8-Terminal switch Noble / Teikoku Tsushin #1102440
(see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) - $45. SOLD

Switches / Selectors, Rear Speaker’, Rotary / 1-Wafer / 12-Terminal switch Noble / Teikoku Tsushin #1102470
- $45.

Switches / Selectors, Synthesizer Decoder, Rotary / 5-Wafer / 60-Terminal (12 terminals per wafer) switch Noble / Teikoku Tsushin #1105140
(see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) - $65.

Switches / Selectors, Mode, Rotary / 5-Wafer / 60-Terminal (12 terminals per wafer) switch Noble / Teikoku Tsushin #1110090 - $65.

Switches / Selectors, Push Switches; ‘Low Filter’, ‘Hi Filter’, 'Loudness', and 'Mono' switches , #1130380 both mounted on circuit board F-1376
(buttons / caps sold separately) (see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) - $40. for each pair

Switches / Selectors, Push Switches;Loudness Front / Rear, ‘Tape Monitor’, and 'FM Muting' switches, #1130390 all mounted on circuit board F-1375-1 / #7590820
(buttons / caps sold separately) - $65.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Power’ push switch #1130350, AC125VA w/ clamping capacitor
(button / cap sold separately) (see; Sansui 7, Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500, but will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $45.

Switches / Selectors, ‘FM De-Emphasis Slide Switch' #1110040
(will NOT fit the Sansui QRX-4500) - $25.


Circuit Board, ‘FM MPX Unit’ circuit board, board #F-1322-1 2340300 with transistors; 2SA562, 2SA678, 2SC733, Matsushita 2SC711, 2SC735, 2SC871, Sansui MPX coils; 4240660 / 424048, and balance of capacitors, diodes, adjustable transformers, pc mounted trim pots / adjustors. - $55.

Circuit Board, ‘FM IF Block / Unit’ circuit board, board #F-1364-1 / 2520261 with transistors; 2SC930D & 2SK24, IC package; Toshiba TA7027M, and balance of capacitors, diodes, adjustable transformers, pc mounted trim pots / adjustors.
(see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) - $55.

Circuit Board, ‘AM Block’ circuit board, board #F-1038-5 with transistors; 2SC380, 2SC458, Ceramic Filter and balance of capacitors, diodes, adjustable transformers, pc mounted trim pots / adjustors. - $45.

Capacitor, ‘FM Front-End / Tuning’ capacitor on circuit board marked #7510420 / 72443 (PA4031) with steel shielding / housing in place - $45.

Capacitor, ‘AM Variable Tuning’ capacitor marked #1200050 / 7293 (PA4031)
(see also Sansui Eight & QRX-6500 / QR-6500) - $35.

Circuit Board, ‘Tone / Control Block Unit,’ circuit board #F-1370 / 7560630 / 2560420 with transistors; Matsushita 2SC871, with balance of capacitors & resistors
- $55. ea.

Circuit Board, ‘Equalizer Block / Unit’ circuit board #F-1267 / 7550480 / 2550140 with transistors; Matsushita 2SC1313, and balance of capacitors, and resistors
(see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) - $45.

Circuit Board, ‘Driver Unit’ circuit board #F-1180 / 2570221,

with transistors:
NEC  2SA606, NEC 2SA659, Matsushita 2SC871, NEC 2SC959, 2SC984, Sony 2SC1124, and balance of capacitors, diodes, resistors & PC mounted trim pots
(see; Sansui 2000A, QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) - $75. ea. 1X REMAINING IN STOCK

Circuit Board, ‘Variable / Vario Matrix Block / Unit’ circuit board #F-2047 / #7650110 / 2650090, with transistors; Matsushita 2SA726, 2SK34, and balance of mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors and trim pots w/ shielded unit containing unknown parts
(see; Sansui QRX-4500, QRX-7500 & QRX-6500) - $55.

Circuit Board, ‘Fixed Matrix Block / Unit’ circuit board #F-2048 / #7650120 / 2650100, with transistors; Matsushita 2SA726, 2SC871, and balance of mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors
(see; Sansui QRX-4500, QRX-7500 & QRX-6500) - $55.

Circuit Board, ‘Power Supply Block / Unit’ circuit board #F-1454 / #7500760 / 2500640, with transistors; NEC 2SC959 & Matsushita 2SC1211, 5W / 180 Ohm resistors, and balance of mounted capacitors, diodes and resistors and trim pots
(see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) - $55.

Circuit Board, ‘Intermediate Power Supply Block / Unit’ circuit board #F-6024 / #7591440 / 2591410, with balance of mounted capacitors, fuses and resistors - $35.

Circuit Board, ‘Terminal / Contact / Connector’ circuit board #F-1382 - $25.

Connectors, PCB, Edge-Card connectors. #2420020 Blue Plastic. 2-Bolt. 18 pin
(see; Sansui Seven / 7, Eight / 8, QRX-4500, QRX-6500, QRX-7500 and likely others) - $30. ea.

Connectors, PCB, Edge-Card connectors. #2420040 Blue Plastic. 2-Bolt. 14 pin
(see; Sansui Seven / 7, Eight / 8, QRX-4500, QRX-6500, QRX-7500 and likely others) - $30. ea. SOLD 1/18/2022

Connectors, PCB, Edge-Card connectors. #2420030 Blue Plastic. 2-Bolt. 10 pin
(see; Sansui Seven / 7, Eight / 8, QRX-4500, QRX-6500, QRX-7500 and likely others) - $30. ea.


, ‘Power supply’ transformer #4000860 (alternative to #400960. (Voltage Selector / switch assembly sold separately) - $125.

Plug, ‘Voltage Selector"MAIN" Plug #2410180 (fits MANY Sansui units) - $25.

Plug, ‘Voltage Selector"SUB" Plug #2410190 (fits MANY Sansui units) - $25.

Cover, Voltage selector switch cover - $30.

Capacitors, ‘Power supply filter cap’ Elna
4700MFD 80 Volts with clamps (yes, they're 'used / old' caps, so will check for ESR and Leakage) - $25. ea.

Capacitors, ‘Power supply filter cap’ Elna
4700MFD 50 Volts with clamps (yes, they're 'used / old' caps, so will check for ESR and Leakage) - $25. ea.
Transistors, ‘Output’ transistors; Toshiba 2SC793 TO-3, Metal cased output transistors - $25. ea.
Heat Sink, Power amp heat sink for up to 4X TO-3 transistors with transistor sockets intact
(less output transistors) - $45. ea.

Rectifier, Bridge Rectifiers. IOR 5B2 / 2J - $20. ea.  
Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Stereophones’ / Headphone jack, Front or Rear, ¼ inch #2430060 (see; Sansui QRX-4500 {for "Rear" ONLY) & QRX-6500) - $35. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA Input / Output  connectors / jacks front mounted, Tape-2, 1/4" / Phono jacks, #2430071 (see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) - $25. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA Input / Output connectors / jacks, 2-Channel; Phono-1, 'Phono-2', AUX, 'Tape-1' & 'Tape-2' bank. Plate = 100mm x 36mm. - $55. ea. bank of 10 RCA jacks

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA Input / Output  connectors / jacks ‘Tape-1 &AUX, Front or Rear bank. Plate = 125mm x 36mm. - $55. bank of 14 RCA jacks

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Speaker’ Connectors / 'Push' terminals (grey & red buttons). 3 complete banks of 2 pairs Measures 72mm wide x 25mm at plate for an opening 53mm x 21mm. (will for sure fit the Sansui Seven / 7, Eight / 8 and QRX-6500, but likely many others from this year / series) - $35. ea. bank

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Antenna’ Connectors / 'Push' terminals (grey buttons) as set of 5. Measures 84mm wide x 25mm at plate for an opening 65.5mm x 21mm. - $30.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, AC Convenience outlet / Socket, ‘AC Convenience’ sockets #2450040 (see; Sansui Seven, QRX-4500, QRX-6500, QRX-7500  & Sansui Eight for at least one of the part numbers "2450040") - $20. ea.
Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘DIN’ socket #2430040 (see; Sansui QRX-4500, QRX-6500 & QRX-7500, but will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $25.
Antenna, AM ‘Stick’ / bar / rod antenna, # 4200510 with extension / sliding mounting bracket
(similar to Sansui Seven / 7, but one wire is different. Dimensions / mounting bracket are the same. Dimensions / mounting bracket are the same. Bar diameter 16.5mm & 7.5" long. Slide mount is 28.3mm wide x 10mm thick and ~75mm in depth) (will NOT fit the Sansui Eight) - $45.

Antenna Socket, AM antenna plastic slide sleeve with 4-bolts
- $25.

Fuse, Main AC / Power Fuse ‘Holder’
#2300060 (see; Sansui QRX-4500, QRX-6500 & QRX-7500) (cap sold separately) - $35.

Fuse, Main AC / Power Fuse ‘Cap’ for holder #2300060 (holder sold separately) (see; Sansui QRX-4500, QRX-6500 & QRX-7500) - $40.

Fuse, 'Speaker Protection / Quick Acting' Fuse ‘HOLDER
#2300070 (see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) (cap sold separately) - $25. ea.

Fuse, 'Speaker Protection / Quick Acting' CAPfor holder #2300070 (holder sold separately) (see; Sansui QRX-4500 & QRX-6500) - $35. ea.

Panel, Rear sheet metal panel (less any input / output jacks / components) - $45.

Panel / Plate
, Bottom sheet metal - $45.
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

  Foot / Feet,
This unit does not utilize separate feet, as they are built into the wood case.

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, Southern Island, North Shore, East end, 2nd cab (OD Green), 2nd drawer -  revised 8/28/2024


  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)




(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)

1-2 in stock for parts / spares

Parted out due to 'output issues', and could not get 'Stereo' FM, but primarily due to it's utilization of 'oddly' shaped RCA I/O jacks. They're 'conical' and hard to get most RCA cables to connect reliably.

Bonnet / Case / Cover / Cabinet, SOLD (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Face panel with glass (less knobs / buttons) Nice condition. Brushed aluminum. - $55.

Dial Slide Rule panel
, Silk-Screened, Glass dial panel / Window - $35. MIA / SOLD?

Pointer / indicator, Tuning ‘Dial Pointer’ / indicator / needle - $25.

D'Arsonval / Analog 'Signal Strength', #41518 - $35.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Tuning’ knob - $30.
Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Volume’ or ‘Balance’ knobs, aluminum
(pots sold separately) - $25. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Mode’, ‘Function’, 'Band' knobs, aluminum
(pots sold separately – $30. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Bass’ or ‘Treble’ knobs, 'stacked / concentric pairs'. aluminum
(pots sold separately) – $25. ea. 'stacked pair'


Potentiometer / Control, ‘Volume’ control pot, 'stacked' 250k / 250k
(knob sold separately) - $40.

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Balance’ control pot, #5227, stacked 125K (x2) - $30.

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Treble’ control pot #5227, 'stacked' 100k / 100k
(knobs sold separately) - $35.

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Bass’ control pot #5227, 'stacked' 100k / 100k
(knobs sold separately) - $35.

Switches / Selectors, 'Mode' 'Wafer' Switch for 'Mono / Stereo' selection
(knob sold separately) - $35.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Band’ rotary / wafer switch
/ selector (knob sold separately) - $35.

Switches / Selectors, ’Input / Function’, rotary wafer switch, ALPS
(knob sold separately - $45.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Power’ Switch. locking push switch with button - $25.

Switches / Selectors, rocker switch; 'Phones / Speakers', 'Low Filter', 'High Filter', ‘Loudness’, ‘Tape Monitor’, 'Muting' ‘FM / AFC’,
- $20. ea.

Switches / Selectors, ‘Muting’, ‘Hi / Lo filter’, ‘Speaker / Phones’, rocker switches - $20. ea.

Switch / Selector, ‘Voltage’ selector, 100 / 117 / 200 / 240 Volt w/ selector plug / insert (transformer sold separately) (see also Sansui 5000 and 5000A and may also fit Stax DA-80M Mono-block amplifier) -$40.

Switches / Selectors ‘Cartridge’ Noble slide switch from 'Mag' to 'XTAL' - $20.

Socket / Holder / Clips, Dial Lamp / Bulb holder assembly - $20. ea.

Flywheel, Tuning flywheel assembly - $25.

Wheel, Tuning String wheel / pulley (metal) - $25. ea.

Variable Capacitor, AM Tuning capacitor


Transformer, Power supply Transformer 5227S (selectable Power version) - $65.

Transformer, 'Driver' Transformer 5227 68 - $25. ea.

Choke / Transformer, 'Filter' Choke 5227 67 - $25. ea.

, ‘Power supply filter cap’ Elna 2000μF / 60 wV - $25.
Capacitors, ‘Power supply filter cap’ Elna 1000uF / 60 wV - $20.

Capacitors, ‘Power supply filter cap’ Elna 2000uF / 50 wV - $20. ea.

Circuit Board, #TRF-2A‘Tuner’ circuit board with transistors: Matsushita 2SA70, 2SA341, Matsushita 0479 diodes, tuning / adjustable transformers; 10FD-1-A1 and balance of PC / board tunable pots, resistors, diodes and capacitors - $35.

Circuit Board, #TRX-2A ‘Tuner Board’ circuit board with transistor: Toshiba 2SA49, Toshiba 2SB54, Matsushita 0479 diodes, tuning / adjustable transformers; MPT/6CT/673T, and MPT/6BT & MFC/6AT/672T and balance of board mounted diodes, pc mounted pots / variable resistors, capacitors, tunable pots - $35.

Circuit Board, #TRAM-2A ‘Tuner Board’ circuit board with transistor: Matsushita 2SA101, 2SA102, and balance of board mounted diodes, resistors, capacitors, tunable pots - $35.

Circuit Board, #TRM-2A ‘Driver / Amplifier’ circuit board with transistors; NEC 2SB220, SONY 2SB381, balance of mounted capacitors, diodes, and resistors - $65.

Circuit Board, #TRS-3A Circuit board with transistors; Toshiba 2SC372 with balance of resistors, capacitors and diodes - $25.

Circuit Board, #TRD-2 circuit board with transistors: Sony 2SC292 with heat-sinks, capacitors Elna 1000uF / 6 wV, Elna 600uf / 40 wV and balance of board mounted capacitors, resistors - $45.

Circuit Board, #TRP-2 Circuit board with transistor: SONY 2SB381 and balance of board mounted resistors, capacitors - $35. ea.

Transistors, ‘Output’ transistors; NEC 2SC245 , Metal cased output transistors
(less heat-sink) – $25. ea. (will be re-tested prior to shipping)

Diodes, Temperature protection diodes Origin SE 1.5 - $25. ea.

Capacitors, Elna 2000uf / 60wV / 70 sV - $25.

Capacitors, Elna 2000uf / 50wV / 60 sV - $25.

Capacitors, Elna 1000uf / 60wV / 70 sV - $25.


Jack / Connector, ‘Headphone jack, ¼ inch - $25.

Jack / Connector, RCA Input / Output  connectors / jacks ‘Phono’, ‘AUX’ , ‘Tape’, ‘Tape Mon’, ’Mic’, ‘Rec’, one bank  - $40.

Jack / Connector, 5-Pin DIN for ‘Tape’ I/O - $20.

Jack / Connector
, ‘Center Channel out RCA jack. with screw terminals for 8 – 32 Ohms together - $25.

Jack / Connector
, AC Convenience outlet / Socket, ‘AC Convenience’ sockets - $18. ea.

Jack / Connector, FM / AM ‘antenna’ screw terminals, 2 pair on board - $25.


Antenna, AM ‘Stick’ / bar / rod antenna with articulating arm - $35.

Fuse, Fuse Holders / clips w/ clear plastic covers
- $18.ea.

Fuse, Main AC / Power Fuse ‘Cap’ (holder sold separately) - $30.

Panel, Rear sheet metal panel
(less any input / output jacks / components) - SOLD

, Bottom sheet metal - SOLD

Foot / Feet, set of 4 - $25.

Bottom panel w/o feet - SOLD
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, South, Inside Island, Right End, Top Drawer, Left side. -
                                    revised 3/18/19

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)



(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)


Reason for parting out, was that the Fader LED'S were not lighting on one or both sides.
Keep in mind the quantity discounts discussed above:-)

Bonnet / Case / Cover / Cabinet, Black metal #07611000 - $55. SOLD (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Front / Face Plate Black Sansui SE-8X, Black anodized aluminum face panel #47303200. (Clean, decent condition very little wear. Minor edge nicks / tics) - $65.

Display Window Spectrum Display window. Plastic lens in good condition. No cracks or noticeable scuffs / scratches. Snap in with plastic frame - $35.

Potentiometers / Controls,
- Linear pots / Faders / Slide Pots / controls - # 46708200 / 250k Ohms
- $25. ea. (w/ LED and Black Cap) (LED may need to be reversed once installed to function as their leads are the same length)

Potentiometers / Controls
- 'Analyzer Level' Pot / control - #46089800 / 250k Ohms w/ circuit board F-3570
- $30.


Switches, "Tape Monitor" Switches, 3 on bar. Attenuator, Equalizer, Tape monitors switches (used but still locking, currently) - $45. for all three still on 'bar'

Extension bars, Plastic, extension bars for "Tape Monitor" Switches  - $15. ea.

LED's, Linear fader LED's
- Sold with Linear Faders shown above

Black caps, Spectrum Display level Cap / Knob #47
680600 - $20.

Black caps, Linear Fader Caps / "Slide Volume Knob" #47317600
- Sold with Linear Faders shown above

caps / buttons, Push switch Caps #07630900
- $15.50 ea.

 Switch, Power Switch, ALPS SDL1P, Push Switch w/ in-rush / clamping capacitor
#46360300 - $35.


Circuit board, 'Spectrum Analizer' Sealed display detached from Circuit boar - $45. SOLD

Circuit board, 'Spectrum Analizer CB' F-3567 with IC / Integrated circuit chips; JRC 4558D, 2901N x4, 2902N x2, OKI MSM4017RS, Transistors 2SC1815 x10, 2SA1015 x2 & balance of capacitors, diodes and resistors - $45.

Circuit board, 'Control / Fader CB' F-4370. Board only. Faders / Linear pots sold separately
- $45.

Circuit board, 'Ripple Filter CB' F-4371 with capacitors, resistors and connectors - $25.

Circuit board, 'Control / Switch / Power Supply' Main circuit board F-3569 WITH 6x Push Switches ( Spectrum Left / Right, Peak Hold, EQ Defeat, 'ON' and Recording, with IC / Integrated circuit chips; JRC 4558D, Transistors; 2SA1015, 2SB527, 2SC1815, 2SD357, Bridge Rectifier RB-15, and balance of Capacitors, Diodes, and resistors
(less RCA Jacks / Terminals / Connectors, some swtiches switches) - $85. with 6 push switches mentioned above.

Transformer, Power supply Transformer C1410XX / B371 - $55.


Jacks / Terminals / Connectors, RCA jacks for 'Tape 2 Play / Rec
' - $35. section of 6

Jacks / Terminals / Connectors, RCA jacks for 'Output' and 'Tape 2 Play / Rec' - $35. section of 6

Jacks / Terminals / Connectors, RCA jacks for 'Output
' - $35. section of 2

Jacks / Terminals / Connectors, AC convenience outlet jack #07189600 - $20.

Panel, Sheet Metal Back Panel
(sheet metal only. all parts / cords removed) - $35.

Foot / Feet / Cushion / Leg, #07662900
 - $35. for set of 4 or $15.50 ea. SOLD 9/23/2024

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, Southern Island, North Shore, West end / last cab (black, Steelmaster 2600), 5th drawer -  revised 9/23/2024 

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)




(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)


Many of the parts such as Switches, pots, controls and knobs MAY* also fit the Sansui Z-5000, Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X models.
Unit had physically broken 'Timer' section of the front circuit board. That coupled with the fact that we hadn't had one of this series for parts yet, made the decision to part it out for us.


Case / Bonnet / Cover, Vinyl, wood grained wrap. - SOLD (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

 Panel, Front / Face panel (Decent with some minor striations on top edge, bottom beveled edge, and smoked plexi window should be buffed. At this point, includes all the 'spring loaded' control buttons on left end for 'Volume', 'Function', 'Muting', 'Tape' and 'Power / Standby' - $85. 

 Panel, Left / Starboard, Front / Face 'End Cap / Insert'. Plastic 'end cap'. Silver mat finish. Decent  and 'usable' condition. - $30

 Panel, Right / Port, Front / Face 'End Cap / Insert'. Plastic 'end cap'. Silver mat finish. Decent  and 'usable' condition. - $30

 Panel, Display / readout panel (behind smoked window on face plate). Has all the 'silk-screening' graphics - $45. 

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, EQ Slide knob / cap pt #07930100
(fits Sansui Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X) - $25. ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Small round knobs 'Balance', 'Reverb Depth' and 'Mic Level' pt #07964000
(fits Sansui Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X) - $25. each

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, 'Timer' knob pt #07964100 - $30.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, Push Switch caps, Square ends. Speakers A, B, C, FM IF Band, Graphic Equalizer Defeat, High Filter, Subsonic Filter, Tuning Mode, Cartridge, Reverb On/Off / Mode. pt #07977500
(fits Sansui z-5000, Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X) - $15. ea.

Control Potentiometer, Balance Pot & Mic Mixing Pots as a pair. - $45. as a pair.

Control Potentiometer, Reverb Depth potentiometer / control #46362700 (6 legs) - $40.

Control Potentiometer, EQ Linear Fader / potentiometer / control #46360500 (JVR51 thru JVR57) 50k Ohms x2 - $25. ea.

Switches / Selectors, 'Timer' / Wafer switch - $35.


Transformer, Power supply Transformer, Stamped on transformer; R2030XX / 31-8 (part number from service manual; #15008511? or 15013501?) (World Power Version 120V / 220V / 240V) - $95.

Capacitors*, Power supply filter caps.
Original, Nichicon Electrolytic Capacitor,  #46223000 from service manual (10,000 MFD / 80V). (Would also work in the Z-7000 as it requires 'LESS' voltage @ 71V) - $25. ea.

* So just be aware that these are decades old, Electrolytic Capacitors and while they may be still functioning at some level, unless you really want to keep the amp original, I would replace them. As 'newer' capacitors are typically smaller (physically) for like values, you could use these as 'housings' for the new transplants. A bit of an effort, but common when restorations require 'period correct visuals'. Price is essentially for the original capacitor clamps and 'outside housings' (and the trouble to write all of the above)

Circuit Boards, Power Amp / Power Supply (MAIN) Circuit board F-3804 pt#00750901. Populated with 'Voltage Amplifier STK 3156 / STK3156 (aka Yamaha IG 04880)  (NOT CHINESE COPY!), IC chips; TA7317P, TA3718P, and transistors; 115, 603, 78N15, 2SA939, 2SA968B, 2SA970, 2SA1207, 2SB528, 2SC2003, 2SC2320, 2SC2071, 2SC2344, 2SC2238B, 2SC2375, 2SC2909, 2SD358, and the balance of bridge rectifiers, capacitors, diodes, emitter resistors, 0.33 Ohms, resistors, pc mounted 'Bias Current' & 'DC Offset' trim pots, connectors and Sansui Transformer 2030RXX-B, and Hitachi L24 'Reed Relay' (NOT CHINESE FAKE!). (less Filter Caps, LARGER Omron Relays and speaker output connectors which are all sold separately) - $135.

Circuit Boards, Tuner Circuit board F-3806. Populated with IC chips; Hitachi HA12412, Sanyo LA1245, LA3390, TA7302P and transistors; 115, 603, 2SC1674, 2SK192A, 2SC2320, 2SD1147, V100, and the balance of capacitors, diodes, resistors, tuning coils, transformers, pc mounted / trim pots. - $75.

Circuit Boards, EQ Amp. Circuit board F-3807 (the one with the 'spring reverb' tank, relays and I/O RCA jacks, none of which are included, but sold separately). Populated with IC chips; JRC 2459, Mitsubishi M5220L, Sanyo LC4066B, and transistors; 115, 603, 2SC2320, and the balance of capacitors, diodes, resistors. (less Spring Reverb Tank, Relays and RCA I/O jacks which are all sold separately) - $75.

Circuit Boards, Control & Selector Switch Circuit board F-3808 (Also has Volume / Peak Power / Watt Meter readout Fluorescent tube section pt #46254100
{fits Sansui Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X}). Populated with IC chips; A103J / A104J, BA6125, JRC 2053, Hitachi HA12010, Mitsubishi M5220L, M51133P, and transistors; 2SA999, 2SC2320,and the balance of capacitors, diodes, LED's, Lamps, resistors, & 'locking push' switches. NOTE: while removing the control potentiometers, we discovered an area of the board about the size of a 'quarter' with numerous cracks. Could be repaired utilizing jumpers / 'point-to-point' soldering. (less EQ Linear Faders / pots, 'Balance' Pot, 'Mic Mixing' Pot or 'Reverb Depth' pot) - $75. NOW $40. due to discovered cracks. Components seem fine, and again, with some effort, repairs to traces could be effected.  

Circuit Boards, Tone Control and Audio Indicator Circuit board F-3810 (Also has Tuner Frequency / Quartz Clock readout Fluorescent tube section pt #46253900 {fits Sansui Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X}) (board has serious, physical damage from the 'Timer' control being pushed in forcefully. Board could be repaired with considerable work) (does not include the 'Timer' control or the 7-Segment, LED 'Digit' readout, but does include the tuner 'Fluorescent display tube').

Populated with IC chips; Mitsubishi M50601P, NEC UPA81C, B553AC, Toshiba TC4001BP, and MB74LS247
and transistors; 2SA999, 2SC2320, 2SD1111, 2SK163, L78N06 and the balance of capacitors, diodes, LED's, resistors, 'tactile push' switches and connectors. - $75.

LED Display, 7-Segment LED numeral display pt #46166200. 10-pins. Plugs in.
(fits Sansui Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X) - $20.

Circuit Boards, 'Volume Control' Circuit board F-3962. Populated with IC Chips; JRC 2058D / (2037) and transistors; #603 and the balance of capacitors, pin connectors, diodes, resistors. (less RCA I/O jacks which are sold separately) - $55.

Transistors / Outputs, Output Transistors. Sanken 2SC2774 pt #46440101  (NOT CHINESE KNOCK-OFFS!) - $25. ea.

Transistors / Outputs, Output Transistors. Sanken 2SA1170 pt #46440001  (NOT CHINESE FAKES!) - $25. ea.

Heat Sink, Double aluminum heatsink w/ Freon tube
(may fit Sansui 8900Z & 9900Z. Dimensions and photo coming) - $65.

Relays, 221D024 Relay #11506200 (NOT CHINESE KNOCK-OFF!)- $20. ea.

Relays, Omron Relay #G2Z-222P (NOT CHINESE COPY!) - $20. ea.

Relays, Omron Relay #G4W-1112P-US-TV8 / 15A / 24VDC / 250VAC (NOT CHINESE FAKE!)  - $20. ea.

Reverb Spring Tank, Reverb pickup / output assembly - $55.


Antenna, AM antenna (stick only, less bracket) - $20.

Antenna, AM antenna bracket - $30.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, Speaker output jack strips A, B or C, pt#22902400
(fits Sansui Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X) - $45. ea. group of 4 (2 groups remaining in stock)

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
, Antenna Terminals / connectors assembly #46364500
(fits Sansui Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X) - $30.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
, Headphone Jack  on circuit board #3809. Pt #46289200
(fits Sansui Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X) - $30.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals
, Mic / Microphone Jack on circuit board #3809. Pt #46133900
(fits Sansui Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X) - $30.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA input / output jacks molded in pairs, Tape-1, Tape-2, AUX, Phono #46363800, set of 4 - $30. ea. set of 4

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, AC Convenience Outlets #46360200, set of 3
(fits Sansui Z-7000 / Z-7000X & Z-9000 / Z-9000X) - $30.

Cord / Cable / Mains Lead, Original 'clipped' AC cord (no grommet) - $20.

Plate / Bottom Cover
, rear sheet metal panel. (metal panel only. Components all sold separately) - $45.

Plate / Bottom Cover, bottom sheet metal plate.
(just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.) - SOLD

Feet set of 4 - $30. or $15. ea.

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

Location: PB, South, 4th cab / black, 4th / bottom drawer - Revised 11/6/23

  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)





(Click on above thumbnails to enlarge photos)

Just had transport disassembled to replace refurb and never progressed. Great cosmetic shape and motor runs well! Some parts
MAY* also fit the Sansui SC-1000, 2000, 3000 and SC-5000 models.


Bonnet / Case / Cover / Cabinet. Wood veneer, good condition - $
SOLD (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Panel, ‘Front / Face panel’, aluminum, clean with black plastic transport surround, (less transport, meters, meter bezel / surround, Switches, pots and jacks sold separately), see also Sansui SC-2000 and SC-2002) - $45.

Panel, ‘Bay door’, Cassette lid assembly – SOLD / MIA?

Panel, Surround / Bezel / Escutcheon, VU ‘meter surround’, plastic
(less meters, record and Dolby lamps sold separately) - $25.

Counter, tape counter #5430080
(see also Sansui SC-2000 & SC-2002) - $25.


Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers
, ‘Power’ switch cap - $25.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Mic / Line’. ‘Left / Right’ recording level, 2 piece knob - $30.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘DOLBY’, ‘Record’ level toggle switch caps - $20.ea.

Knobs / Caps / Buttons / Covers / Covers, ‘Output’ knob - $25.


, Analog ‘VU’ record level #4300930 - $25. ea.

Switches / Selectors, (see Circuit Board #G-1212 below)

Switches / Selectors, (see Circuit Board #G-1212 below)

Switches / Selectors, ‘Power’ switch #1131200
(less cap sold separately) - $30.

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Mic / Line’ / ‘Right / Left’, ‘stacked’ pot Alps 50kAX2, dual function - $30.

Potentiometer / Control, ‘Output’ level ‘stacked’ pot Alps 10k AX2 - $30.


Circuit Board
, ‘Main’ Circuit Board #G-1197 / 7990270 with transistors: Mitsubishi 2SC328, Mitsubishi, 2SC564, Mitsubishi 2SC644, Mitsubishi 2SC828, Mitsubishi 2SC1327, IC S7636 / Dolby chip NE545B, IC S7635 / NE5458, with the balance of resistors, capacitors and pc mounted ‘micro’ potentiometers and integrated Switches
(see also Sansui SC-2000 / SC-2002)- $60.

Circuit Board, ‘Shut off’ circuit board, G-1198, with transistors: Mitsubishi 2SA564, Mitsubishi 2SA699, Mitsubishi 2SC828 and balance of resistors, capacitors - $35.

Circuit Board, ‘Switch’ Circuit Board #G-1212 / #7690250 w/ ‘Tape Monitor’ and ‘Dolby’ toggle Switches
(see also Sansui SC-2000 & SC-2002 )- $35.

Circuit Board, ‘Power’ Circuit Board G-1198, with voltage regulators; Mitsubishi 2SD1226 , fuse holders (3), and balance of resistors and capacitors -

Circuit Board, Display, ‘Dolby’ and ‘Record’ LED’s / indicators on circuit board #G-1211 with connecting wires and plug - $25.

Circuit Board, Display, ‘Transport illumination’, on circuit board # G-1202, with lamps (operating condition not guaranteed) and colored shade - $25.


, ‘Plunger’ solenoid with ‘leaf switch’ #4340150 - $25.

Transformer,  Power transformer #4002370 / PT244EX - $40.

, Voltage Adjustment Selector / ‘Multi-voltage’ switch #2410970 w/ plug - $35.

Motor, ‘Capstan’ motor, MHI-5R9CKH, 9VDC #4320360 - $40.

Head / headstack, ‘Erase’ head #WY241Z - 6J10T / #4526010
(less transport mechanism) - $30.

Head / headstack, ‘Record / Playback’ head HN-424822 / #1611822 / #4536010
(less transport mechanism - $30.

Transport  Mechanism with ‘Hub’ assembly with ‘cap’ #5370090, ‘p-type’ washer #5180380, ‘reel hub’ #7150070, ‘Control’ button assembly #7050080 with ‘Forward’, ‘Reverse’, ‘Play’ / ‘Stop’,  ‘Record’,  ‘Mute’,  ‘Search’ levers, wheels, tires, springs, and caps included, reed / leaf Switches,
(less record / playback and erase heads and pinch roller) - $65.

Roller, ‘Pinch’ Roller #7060160 in good shape on arm - $30. SOLD

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, RCA ‘Line in /  Rec out’ connectors / jacks with ‘DIN’ connector on molded plastic board w/ circuit board G-1213 attached - $35.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Microphone’ ¼ inch jack #2430170 – $20. ea.

Jacks / Connectors / Terminals, ‘Headphones’ ¼ inch jack #2430190 - $20.

Panel, ‘Rear’, sheet metal.
(less connectors, outlets) - $20.

Panel, ‘Bottom’ sheet metal - $20. SOLD (just FYI, 'pack / ship' on items such as large panels, Speaker Grills, Empty speaker / component cabinets, etc. will likely be 'expensive', relative to the cost of the part, due to the amount of packing it takes for safe delivery, and depending on location shipped to.)

Call or Email for "SHOWN and NOT marked 'SOLD' " part you need.

 Location: PB, SW group, 3rd cab from center, Black, 2nd drawer, right half.  revised 8/15/2022


  (Above text, in it's entirety, property of / Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC. See 'Copyright Information' page for details)




Unless specifically noted, we do not typically sell 'component level' parts such as resistors, diodes, Transistors, semiconductors, ic's / integrated circuit chips, ceramic capacitors, led's, bulbs, lamps, belts, etc. We do commonly sell circuit boards / cards which will likely come with those parts attached.

When we say "some parts "MAY" also fit", that does NOT mean ALL the parts listed 'WILL' fit, and unless we show specific info that a particular part DOES 'cross-pollinate', do not infer that it does or will fit. Only careful research and comparisons, on YOUR part with service manuals, service bulletins, other comparable units, etc., MAY indicate a POSSIBLE substitution. If your situation is 'critical', do not base your decision on information found on this or any other page of this web site and do your own research.





Amps and





8-Track Decks

CD Players


EQs and Signal


Betamax and

Turntable Cartridges

Tube Audio


Speaker Parts

Record Players

Vintage Radios



Stereo Parts

Wondering where the "tone" you remember went?....


.... Surround yourself with Silver and find it again!





>>>(for 'PARTS'; <<<
as of NOW and for the foreseeable future,
due to staffing / time / resource limitations, we are shifting focus AWAY from MOST 'SALVAGE / USED / DONOR' parts requests at this time with
*only a few exceptions, and will not likely be responding to calls or emails for those type of parts.  We will still process orders for '**non-unique / SKU' parts / accessories that offer an 'on-line payment' option.)

*at our discretion, some requests may still get a response if time allows.
*"unique" would apply to most 'salvage' Hi-Fi / Stereo / Speaker, scooter, MI, Pro-audio parts.
Parts that we normally stock and have a "Buy It" option are not included in the above notice.

    Before calling, PLEASE read the text in below.      

(800) 806-4231 EXT #1



>>>(for 'PARTS'; <<<
as of NOW and for the foreseeable future,
due to staffing / time / resource limitations, we are shifting focus AWAY from MOST 'SALVAGE / USED / DONOR' parts requests at this time with
*only a few exceptions, and will not likely be responding to calls or emails for those type of parts.  We will still process orders for '**non-unique / SKU' parts / accessories that offer an 'on-line payment' option.)

*at our discretion, some requests may still get a response if time allows.
*"unique" would apply to most 'salvage' Hi-Fi / Stereo / Speaker, scooter, MI, Pro-audio parts.
Parts that we normally stock and have a "Buy It" option are not included in the above notice.

We DO NOT have your part unless the following conditions are met:

A) You HAVE SEARCHED our page(s) and HAVE FOUND the part you are looking for SPECIFICALLY listed on one of our pages or you have solid information that it's a 'bona fide' substitution for your part (unless noted already, we won't have any further info along those lines)
B) The part that you have found is NOT marked as SOLD or SOLD OUT.

If you do NOT see it listed after thoroughly searching the pertinent page
(likely the page you landed on originally),  
we do not have it,   
nor do we know when
it might come in,   
nor do we maintain "waiting lists" for parts,    
nor do we know who
might have it.

Sorry, but phone and email traffic for parts
we don't have listed or for parts that are already marked "SOLD" has become too consuming of time resources.

 We try to keep these pages 99+% updated.
If you don't see the part you are looking for, simply check the web page periodically as we never know what will show up each day. Thanks!!!!!

ALSO: When e-mailing be sure to include a relevant subject, ie: Brand / Model number / reason for inquiry in the 'SUBJECT LINE'.
lines left empty, or with 'single word' text like;
"Hello", "Hi", "parts", "stereo", "inquiry", "question", "selling" or similar or similar 'un-qualified' terms may automatically be deleted by Anti-Virus / Spam settings or receive 'Low Priority'.
(Subject lines left empty show up as "No Subject" and are deleted automatically by our anti-spam settings".
We do not return calls / emails for requests for parts we don't show / or have available (we may choose contact with further, useful information).



Haven't received a response to your email? See FAQ'S

PO. BOX 6182

Before ordering by postal mail, please phone or email us about the item and the details of sending your funds. Thank-you.


As much of the price charged for parts is for the 'time to extract' from it's donor unit, unless we send the 'wrong part', parts are NOT returnable.
See our "
Warranties / Returns" page via the link below for more details.

and changes may not be posted to web immediately
. Information such as Parts Substitution possibilities, "Circa" dates, original values, etc. are to the best of our knowledge. If you are critically concerned, you should do independent
research on your own prior to ordering or utilizing this information in any way. Manufacturers also are known to change part numbers, specs, circuit designs, specs etc within the same model.

Copyright © 1997-2025 Oak Tree Enterprises, LLC





